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FV601 (R.I.P.)

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Everything posted by FV601 (R.I.P.)

  1. And from memory I aint so bad a chap to have around when it comes to removing wheels and other heavy bits from Fox's :whistle:
  2. I know that from experience Richard ..........He reaches the parts other beers cant reach :roll: In all seriousness though, Lee has been extremely helpful when it comes to area's I would'nt have a hope in getting to. Bit frustrating at times as I know I can do the job equally as well but due to my size and lack of flexibility cannot get to the bits. Just want to say Thanks Lee :-D
  3. Pays to have a mate built like "Twizzle" and with arms like a "drain snake" :whistle: And yes Richard I can vouch he completed the job of removal and replacement in under 40 minutes ;-) As the old saying goes " He's as handy as a pocket in a shirt" :whistle:
  4. Neil found these but they only have 12 hours to go as of 9.30 this morning BONNET PULL CATCHES LANDROVER SERIES AND EX-MILITARY http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=009&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=190105830695&rd=1&rd=1 Go for it mate. Now just get that car going or maybe you can persuade SWMBO to take the caravan and you to the Plains instead of where she is already booked in. (Will also give everyone who reckons they have the same wife to check that it is not the case ) :evil:
  5. Jack it would appear that the PM you sent went the way of the Plains trip one :dunno: Seems that someone one the forum who wont need XXXXL size polo shirt's has the prices and details as well as the details for the plains event. Marvellous thing the Internet yanno :whistle:
  6. No PM arrived as of yet Jack You would'nt ber trying to keep us PW boys away would you :whistle:
  7. Same goes for me Tony. It will be good to hear what they have to say re past experiences
  8. Was good meeting up with you Dave and glad to hear that you enjoyed your day. As Lee has said we look forward to seeing you again soon if you manage to make it to the Bunker show.
  9. From my understanding he was waiting for a certain person to turn up .................Neil :dunno:
  10. Welcome to the madhouse David. Hope you enjoy yourself here and watch out for Jack :whistle:
  11. Looks like it was a great day Looking forward to your pictures tomorrow :-)
  12. Well well well Smack me round the head with a wet mackerel Gerald I am so very pleased to know that you are not, as was first suspected, Preston acting under a Nom de plume. I also apologise for inadvertently snipping your surname by 1 letter, it's a symptom of fat finger disease and when coupled to a laptop keyboard can play havoc on ones normally perfect spelling. ( My grammar is crap though :dunno:) As Lee has pointed out, Clive will most probably be answering your comments shortly, so I shall leave that particular area to him. That said, as Lee has also pointed out the initial "tone" of your posts did appear to infer a more sinister side to your position regarding things. As far as attending AGM's and such as has been previously stated, been there, done that and have the tee shirt. However as a nearly new member of the MVT you obviously have not ...........yet, I hasten to add, as I would imagine you might just be attending this coming one. As John Carroll has stated forums are indeed a place of discussion be that good or bad, and as such comments made on this particular forum regarding the MVT have been the result of MVT members airing their views, finding similar occurences up and down the country, and finding different attitudes from varying area's of the MVT. This has come about due to those particular members area's not being as "welcoming, amenable, friendly and supportive" as the particular area you happen to belong to. Those of us that do voice a complaint here are not just from one area but are spread around the country, and it would appear that the complaints aired have a similar ring to them. That said, the MVT in general is indeed a good club, It's not perfect, it is stuck in a time warp at times but all in all it tries to please as many people as it can. Sometimes fails at that but hey, so do many other clubs. So what you see as "knocking" the MVT is not really that at all, it is an active discussion in a forum enviroment to facilitate the betterment of the club by indentifying its deficency's. It was due to the deficency's of our local area that a group of us went ahead and formed Essex Armour and Softskins MV Group which successfully put on a major show last year and are doing so again this year, as well as attending upwards of 20 smaller events and several larger ones under our own banner. But thats another matter. It must say something however that in an MVT area that has some 250 members, less than 10% turn up at monthly meetings, of which EA&SS make up a third of those attending. Makes you think eh? It would be good, as has been suggested, if you could perhaps join in other discussions on other threads that way you could also add to the very good work that is being done here. Look forward to hearing from you John MVT Member 13666 IMPS Member 2715 101 club Member 1719 EMLRA Member (dammit where did I put that membership card ) Founder Member of EA&SS ( "I am a name not a number")
  13. Neil ...............can you use a 12v starter unit on the Stolly?? C'mon man its a 24v vehicle. :roll: Charge the batteries
  14. Sorry Paul Already committed to Coalhouse Fort for both days
  15. Some of those would be reinforcing plates fitted to the underside of the vehicle and the seat bulkhead Neil. As to which ones they are sorry mate not 100% sure myself
  16. Ah but I've stood my call with the tea Ian .........just dont make that many is all :evil:
  17. Bloody Cheek :roll: :roll: How much nicer can I be .........if I recall most of your engine ancillaries have been donated by yours truly :whistle:
  18. What are you saying then Clive??? Is this Gerald Leggit really Preston using his nom de plume??? :whistle:
  19. Hi guys and gals There will be an MV meet up at Coalhouse Fort, East Tilbury, Essex on Easter Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday 8th & 9th April. Most of the Essex contingent of the Forum will be in attendance on both days, so if you are at a loose end and feel like a run out why not drop by and say hello. The Fort is open from 8.30 am both days and refreshments are available. Look forward to seeing some of you there hopefully.
  20. Its an Ex Governement vehicle mate :tongue: Comes under the same category as Green Goddesses :whistle:
  21. Nice to be termed as one of the elite :whistle: Oh Oh Oh ........and I've got power too :tongue: Only bugbear with the Barn is the dust :roll:
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