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FV601 (R.I.P.)

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Everything posted by FV601 (R.I.P.)

  1. I've heard he swings both ways Tony ...................WW2 and Post War :whistle:
  2. Unfortunately it has a prior appointment with Her Majesty The Queen so that is not an option ;-)
  3. Only if you pushed it all the way back as well :whistle:
  4. Got the Saladin Tony but in all honesty mate would cost me a fortune to bring it and dependant on date we've several other shows in quick succession. Was thinking re the Saladin's out on the range if there was any chance of seeing them close up as I am missing some minor bits from my own and if they had them what would be the chance of "liberating" them to go to a good home. :whistle:
  5. Should be fine for me and Paul Jack - GMC Ian- Bedford - RL or Landie Chris - Nottingham - CVR(W) Fox or Ferret Mk 1 & LR Series 3 Lightweight Lee-Essex- CVR(W) Fox or Ferret Mk 1 or Land Rover 109FFR John - Essex - 101 FC Ambulance
  6. Snapper Please let the missus know that the kids are the main cause of the tying up as they do the same to us. It genuinely is just wholesome fun and nothing more I can assure you. In fact my Paul is one of the main protagonists as he enjoys the goading and the chase. It may not be PC as in this day and age but its healthy none the less and to be perfectly honest its no more than is happening in school be it public or otherwise. I'm sure Paul would gladly answer any questions she has in regards to it. All that said would love to go as would Paul but as most have said will be dependant on the dates due to increasing show commitments
  7. Great weekend but alas one casualty Paul's stomach ache turned out to be a rumbling appendix so he is now laid up after a successful removal. He now carries a chit specifically for Fred and Phil ........No stomach jumping or tying up for at least three months. He may be fit for tying at Beltring but will have to wait and see what the MO says. In comment to the bits there and what we'd like. Got to be the Bofors on the Morris, the Abbot is pretty good as well, Sexton, AS90 :drool: :drool: :drool:, The Snow cat with the 105 light gun and the Stormer. (Not neccessarilly in that order)
  8. Congratulations Bodge and to Mrs Bodge also Ian can give you the addy for smaller sizes as he has kitted Ryan out already
  9. Looks like you are going to have to start a Dear Deidre page Jack :whistle:
  10. Welcome Keith Enjoy mate and best of luck with your first MV when you find it
  11. True enough Rick Lee and his son were in the Fox and I was following behind with my son in Lee's Mk1 Ferret. I can tell you it was pretty hairy in the turns but we got the hang of it reasonably quickly and were taking the racing line well and keeping speed up. Managed to get around 50 out of the Ferret on the pit straight before having to power off for the bend. Lee's got some pictures somewhere so I'm sure he'll post them
  12. There's always possibilities of a crew position Neil, just have to remember its a 4 day thing rather than just the one day of the pageant
  13. Good on ya mate, See I told ya there had been a mix up :whistle: I can see the headlines now :evil: :evil:
  14. I was only quoting Stuart Neil as we will be meeting up with them as we drive in. Run your route past them and see whats said. Bear in mind though distances, times and costs are roughly the same with the Crossing route coming out dearest when toll costs are included.
  15. Welcome Gareth Glad to see you made it here mate :-)
  16. I heard that Pardon!!! :whistle: I'll have you know everything was laid out in its place when I started taking the Ambi to shows, that was until Paul, Harry, Robbie and just about any kids they met up with at Beltring last year decided that it made a good den / battle camp / TV room ect. ect. At least there is space in it again now as I made him clear up the back of it yesterday ready for the weekend :evil: :evil:
  17. Hiya Rob No major convoy this year but will be taking a smaller one instead. We've just heard the ferry will be closed all weekend so it looks like the Blackwall Tunnel will be getting the treat. I should imagine we will be there by 9.30 - 10.00 depends on traffic and any breakdowns on the way. Later mate
  18. I must admit it does look a lot but also have to admit I've seen a lot worse. Not an overnight job but not insurmountable :-)
  19. Of course Mark :whistle: Not 100% sure which year though :evil:
  20. Well suns shining so got some pictures to post. This is how she is at the moment .....................Loads of things to do tinwork wise but as far as the armour goes its solid. http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-349S.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-348S.jpg'>http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-348S.jpg'>http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-348S.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-352S.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-351S.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-350S.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/PA130007.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-348S.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-346S.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-342S.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-344S.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-343S.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-345S.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-341S.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-340S.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-339S.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-338S.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-335S.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/PA130014.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/PA130013.jpg[/img] http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/PA130012.jpg[/img] As can be seen fire would seem to have been in front area of crew compartment rather than rear and at high level more than low (look at wiring to switch box) Anyone have an idea as to what this cypher is? http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/Ferret/MVC-347S.jpg[/img] Well loads of work but will be worth it in the end :-D need to find someone who has a box folder to start making wing sections
  21. Thanks for that Chris Need to give Richard a call anyway as need a couple of bits for the Saladin :roll: Will try and get some pictures today and post them later The idea is not to do a suspended tow on them Mark but if you have to its easier to disconnect the propshafts to the elevated axle. Rebuilding the hub can be a pain in the A**E so the propshaft route is better on that score.
  22. Sorry no responses earlier chaps but I fell asleep, :dunno: I'll try and check the prop shafts and brake calipers to see if its at that point but I have a feeling it might just be the sun gears. Richard's explanation sounds extremely plausible so will investigate that also. Thanks for the input guys, just goes to show the benefit of places like this :-)
  23. Well finally took delivery of the beast today. Too wet to take any pictures but hopefully better weather tomorrow so will try and get some more then. One initial problem noted though, rear wheels appear to be "locked up" as in they dont roll. Any suggestions lads? I have a feeling I have a gearbox / transfer box rebuild coming up but if any of you know any better please feel free to let me know.
  24. There is room there but you might be a little limited with turning circle on the WLF. That said it shouldnt be that much of a problem. Its a "turn up" event but if you are going to come then it might be an idea to let someone know on here before Sat AM so that a definite space can be kept for you. (basically its position rather than allocation due to size) Hope that answers your query Mike
  25. Heute das Forum, Morgen das Internet :evil: :evil: :whistle:
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