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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. thanks for the support guys, it's a big project almost too big but i will get it running again come hell or high water but there's a big difference between getting something moving under it's own steam, and restoring it. my plan is to get it looking right externally and driving but what goes on under the bonnet will bear little or no resemblance to the original. why do it this way you might ask it's because the doctor recently told me that i don't have long left to live! maybe only another 40 or 50 years and i don't want to spend them working on this buggar. eddy
  2. not a very fair fight, even though the churchill had more armour than a tiger it still didn't stand much chance unless it was up close and by then 3 or 4 churchills would have met their end just closing with the target. the funny thing is though in villers bocage the tiger was at a disadvantage as the gun was too big to swing around in built up area's or woodland so i'm surprised the cromwells couldn't get round to the flank, maybe it was wittman's lucky day although thankfully he didn't have many more left. eddy
  3. hey paulob1 those aren't wrecks they're easy ! now, the churchill well THAT is a wreck worthy of admiration.
  4. thanks adrian that's gtreat news, i was hoping you might chip in and give me a push in the right direction but i didn't want to bother you with questions early on as i was planning on taxing your brain later when the real work/problems start. so it's back to plan A then. fit the centaur turret and ring onto the mk6 and model it as a gun tank ideally with the 75mm gun but beggars can't be choosers so a 6 pdr would do, as for the centaur i think a static display restoration ie fill the holes and paint it green would be best but again we'll see just how bad it is once the spannering starts. thanks again adrian eddy
  5. thanks steve don't worry mate you'll get all the time you want to have a proper look when you come down here to help research all the various projects i've got on the go, might even take you out for a pint and if you bring that pistol port i'll buy you 2 pints . all the best eddy
  6. right then fella's here she is in all her glory, this little fixer upper has been mine since the end of june but it's still sitting in shrewsbury awaitng collection, unfortunately i can't collect it until the land i've just bought is sorted out but i'm working on it so it should be up in manchester by the end of this month which is when i can start to really get a proper look at it, most people think it's beyond economical repair but to me it looks do-able maybe i should take my rose tinted glasses off anyway i've already decided that i'm going to get it running so that's that. all the best eddy
  7. as a cromwell i would like it to be ready for A&E but whether it will be or not i couldn't say but as a charioteer it might be moving before this xmas as it seems to be very complete. my original plan was to take the turret ring and turret from the centaur and put it on the charioteer but the mantlet is a 6 pdr and this isn't right for the f type hull, the ideal solution would be to find a 95mm turret and ring, chuck that on the mk 6 and restore the centaur as a 6 pdr so i would have 2 cromwells but this might be a little ambitious even for me, to be honest i haven't had time to digest it all yet so the jury is still out. centaur pics eddy
  8. no, it came from australia :-)
  9. thanks for the info adrian, i did think that it was strange that the makers no. and date weren't on stamped on it, sounds like i bought a ringer with regard to the T number do i physically have to go to bovy to look it up or can i phone someone and if so what is their number. the pics below show the drivers compartment and the engine compartment with missing starter motor cheers eddy
  10. john it was a glorious day in more ways than one, bob and colin came down with me to check it over and everything looked ok. can i warn you now your name was mentioned once or twice :cool2: steve how can i trace the history from the t number is it a simple case of a phone call or is there more to it than that. cheers eddy
  11. pic of my mk4 churchill in it's usual position eddy
  12. great thread steve, i often wonder what it would take to get the contract for scrap removal from the training area's. just think of the stuff you could save :cool2: eddy
  13. looks to be a very nice little project you've got there, another one to add to that impressive list of vehicles you have, can i ask you where did you find such a complete tank ? all the best with the restoration eddy
  14. glad i could help all the best eddy
  15. hi clive that's right, the interior is white. eddy
  16. hi hawk the centaur is a range wreck and was dragged off salisbury plain, it's restoreable but a long term project. the charioteer is complete and i hope to get it running without too much graft but you never know what you're gonna get til you start spannering i'll post some pics when i pick them up from ian's farm in 2 weeks or so, i'm looking forward to getting them up to manchester but i have to get the land/workshop area ready first and then persuade some poor buggar to give us a lift with loading them up and that's going to be a busy day ! a churchill,centaur and a cromwell and possibly another lump of steel that i spied round the back. that lot should keep me busy for a while :-D eddy
  17. thanks steve i wish i would have been into range wrecks back then, just think of the gear i could have robbed with a foden wrecker :cool2: and unlimited access to military ranges eddy
  18. hi fella's i went to otterburn in oct 91' with 1 LI milan platoon and took these pics of this wagon which was near the moving target range firing point. is this the ruc wagon you mentioned earlier ? eddy
  19. hi fella's i'll definately be going with the universal carrier and maybe and i do mean maybe the charioteer aswell but only if the god of restoration is on my side or as everyone else knows him bob grundy :-D eddy
  20. thanks for the useful link. eddy
  21. the student has become the master
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