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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. hi paul looks like a little cracker, it's good to see someone else taking the plunge state side, there's an awful lot of gear over there at what i would consider a reasonable price. remember if the wife complains tell her you're expecting another heavy winter and want to be prepared early for the snow fall. all the best eddy
  2. hi steve thanks for the tip on the clutch plate, if you take it off for me i'll come over and pick it up on sunday cheers eddy
  3. just been on biville range with google earth and there's a few wreck pics to click on, a couple of half tracks panhards and an m8 armoured car in good condition, looks like there's good access to the range area aswell. i couldn't find the shermans though. eddy
  4. hi alastair so that's the daimler that martyn tasker restored, i've seen the photo album aswell and it's good to see it's doing the shows for all to see and not locked away in a barn. eddy
  5. so it's official, some german range armour has survived. i wonder what else is waiting to be found in the woods, quite possibly wrecks that have had trees grown around them which prohibited there removal :cool2: eddy
  6. great thread steve, it's about time you shared some of your knowledge with us lesser mortals it makes me wonder what still remains, i'd bet a pound to a pinch of salt there's still many surprises to to be found on ota, it's such a massive, bleak range that you could spend a life time and not see it all. keep em coming eddy
  7. another opportunity missed by the powers that be but they did come up with some real war winning tanks but only after the war had already ended ! eddy
  8. hi fella's i came across this pic while searching for cromwell info, it's such a strange looking tank i thought i'd put it on the forum. it looks daft but when you think about it it would probably have been a good way to utilise the well armoured but under gunned matilda's. anyone got any ideas of it's origin. click this link http://commi.narod.ru/abt/b/a12_12.jpg eddy
  9. "rust photo's will start dominating every thread" i dream of that day eddy
  10. i was laughing to myself when i wrote that but it's not unfeasible just bloody unlikely eddy
  11. there's a lot of tanks kicking about that nobody has made public yet, well not this side of the channel anyway, all you need is a sympathetic ear from someone in the military or local museum and you've cracked it but it's not the finding of the tanks that's hard or even the recovering it's getting permission that might cause a headache or two but don't let that put you off fella's if you think it's worth a try then go for it. (i'll have the m10 please) nothing ventured, nothing gained. eddy
  12. come on steve don't be shy how about a few pics to whet the appetite. cheers eddy
  13. i know he's got 2 centaur dozers, 1 in the wksp and 1 outside. the 1 inside was his first military vehicle i believe. not a bad place to start your collection from eddy
  14. has dave arnold got any knocking about in that yard of his, he's got everything else down there. eddy
  15. i could have sworn it was a cromwell, infact i would have bet money on it, however i've learned not to argue too much on the forum as my ignorance has been pointed out enough times already all the best eddy
  16. is it an allegro item ?, i thought most stuff from poland had to be deactivated in order for them to sell it to the public. eddy
  17. there's a centaur, comet, cromwell and a couple of charioteers needing restoration down shrewsbury all very nice i wouldn't mind getting one for myself, don't think they're for sale though but you never know eddy
  18. i agree with scrapping them, having said that once something is classed as scrap there's no import duty to pay,:cool2: what they'd have to do to them to say they've been scrapped i don't know but even if they cut them in half you could weld them back together again. dave arnold might do it for you if you ask him nicely:D eddy
  19. another great thread, keep 'em coming, there's something about old armour i just love eddy
  20. thanks for the info dennis, much appreciated eddy
  21. you can never spend too much time on google looking at tanks i got into military vehicles last year when a polish lad told me about a panzer in a lake in poland that his grandfather knew about, i even bought a towed sonar fish to go looking for it but when i tried to tie him down to a location he got vague but by then i was hooked on the idea of ww2 armour and so here i am chasing up leads and scheming, still it helps to keep me out the pub. eddy
  22. some good threads your putting up. cheers eddy
  23. there is restoration and restoration
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