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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. hi adrian there's a chap on www.mapleleafup.org/forums called jesse browning that's done a full rebuild of a sexton including the engine rebuild i'm sure he could help you out in lots of ways. just click on the link above and go on the armour forum and look for sexton 1900 restoration. all the best eddy
  2. woa2 also has a wot2 and really knows his stuff eddy
  3. hi alastair i've got loads of flathead spares so before you buy anything drop me a line and you can have them gratis if i don't need them. eddy
  4. hi alastair i couldn't imagine how hard it would be to deal with the greek military or any foreign military for that matter, but i might have a solution to my problem anyway, once the wreck turret and ring is fitted to the charioteer hull i will be left with a centaur hull which would be ideal for an arv and seeing as i was in the reme i think it would be a fitting tribute to the unsung heroes of the battlefield. eddy
  5. better back on a hull, than slowly rusting away to nothing at the bottom of the sea. eddy
  6. welcome to the best vehicle forum on the net eddy
  7. i know of 3 centaurs requiring turrets for restoration, i own one of them. eddy
  8. hi antar the usual suspects have been pm'd by me and will be pumped for info later on (in a non gay way of course) :cool2:
  9. i don't care who walks in front as long as it's not me, but seriously i'm more into raising awareness of ww2 british armour than anything else and the best way to do that is for people to see and experience it for themselves, so everyone is more than welcome to come and play in the carrier anytime. that's how carrierbarry treated me at beltring this year and i loved it so i offer the same experience to all who are interested. that goes for all my other armour too but you'll have to bring a jerry can of fuel with you, oh and you might have to wait a while(years) before any of it's ready to drive eddy
  10. alastair i promise you my cromwell's will look just like that one (green) and when it comes to bars i need no advice, as i've been propping one up for years now eddy
  11. hi steve you can be the commander if you like, just don't start kicking me or swearing if i miss a gear or two. eddy
  12. 10 x better than a jeep but just as practical. nice choice eddy
  13. never mind shotgun, anytime you want a drive let me know, i'll be at beltring next year with the carrier just come over and say hello and take it for a spin. best to start with the small stuff eddy
  14. i couldn't agree more, the scrapyards know who's legit and who isn't and when it comes to non ferrous metals each piece is checked over so there's no excuse for dodgy stuff, it just comes down to morals and at £4000/ton for copper some people just leave their morals behind them eddy
  15. thanks enigma but i'm not brave, i'm just really optimistic almost to the point of delusion but i promise you this, i will get that old churchill moving again ! eddy
  16. thanks for the site links, i've not seen them before, very interesting. thanks eddy
  17. i'll be there with the carrier, might even have the charioteer moving by then :cool2: it was a great event this year and it sounds like it'll be even better next time round eddy
  18. my mk4 churchill was £3500, basically scrap value so they are there to be had but it might be more realistic to go for something like a champ it's small enough for a garage, easy to pick up spares and looks great and you could pick a rough one up for under £500. good luck eddy
  19. hi fella's with regard to the transmission it's not just a cost issue, the churchill's a real dog and no mistake and to try to restore it back to original spec would take more money and time than i'll ever have and to be honest is probably beyond my ability, i simply think it's more realistic to get it externally correct and moving under it's own steam for people to see and enjoy, rest assured that nothing will be butchered in the hull or anywhere else on it and should the day come when i part with it the new owner will be able to easily rip out my bodge and fit their own. however having said all that i might change my mind and fit something more original i was also thinking of using the correct gearbox and a rolls royce eagle engine from withams, i also have access to original recon boxes and engines but like i said earlier i don't envisage carrying out that kind of resto. we'll just have to wait and see but don't forget i'm builder from manchester not a professional military vehicle restorer all i can promise is i'll do my best. eddy
  20. hi fella's the engine and transmission choice will get me hung on the forum and adrian might get a posse together and be the one to string me up from the nearest tree but i'm weighing up the idea of taking the hydraulics from a large tracked crawler and fitting the motors directly onto the final drive and running the controls through to the drivers compartment. it might sound daft but when you think about it, it makes sense. no gearbox or brakes or steering or anything to worry about just 2 motors and the engine, pump and reservoir. the only issue i can see is the reduction in the final drives might make it painfully slow but they'll be a way round it and i reckon i could get all the bits for under a grand. this looks to be the quickest, easiest, cheapest and most reliable way to get the old girl moving again ready for A&E 2012 let the ranting commence eddy
  21. steve, i'm just impressed they bothered to use a mock up and not just 3 telegraph poles stuck on the top of an old 432. eddy
  22. hi steve they look like SA 6 gainful but i could be wrong however, but they look to be about the same size and shape. keep the pics coming eddy
  23. alastiar i thought you might go down the chassis fabrication route like bob, is that not economic or is there something else ? all the best eddy
  24. aluminium scrap price £1050 per ton :cool2:
  25. yes it has a petrol flat 12, think of a v12 but flattened down producing 350 bhp, not a lot to move 40 ton around but as i mentioned i won't be putting the original back in. eddy
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