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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. And one for Steveo [ATTACH]39755[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39754[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39752[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39753[/ATTACH]
  2. Another album arrived [ATTACH]39751[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39750[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39749[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39748[/ATTACH]
  3. this one is opposite correct vehicle, wrong name "Unedited colour film of Royal Marine Commandos in four jeeps and two trucks on patrol in a rocky arid district surrounded by mountains" happens all the time but it the organization that done it that makes it notable http://www.iwmcollections.com/record.php?id=100004995&media_id=271 yep someone posted pics of that
  4. I got about a 1000 quid worth of these languishing in the cupboard :cry: Never have time for them These 2 I picked up in Singapore many years ago, no idea who's Navy they are. I do like RPPC's though as there is typically only one so they are history [ATTACH]39746[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39747[/ATTACH]
  5. Interesting vehicles on deck,,,, Dodges, Bedford (maybe), Land Rover and torwards the back are those DUKW? [ATTACH]39612[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39613[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39615[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39614[/ATTACH]
  6. well saw there was an old ship photo thread so I dug out some of my postcards, which I dont know if I will put here or there :confused: but anyway I found this postcard in the box and I guess would be classed as a military postcard [ATTACH]39611[/ATTACH]
  7. This is a photo of the cross section of the rear tailgate door seal (apologies 'camera photo') Anyone recognise it as I want to buy several more metres Guessing it is a UK seal as the other Austrian profile was different (that I have seen) [ATTACH]39610[/ATTACH]
  8. Pity I aint in the UK as could have helped you with the NDI
  9. yep I remember around 89/90 were the first years I came in contact with them
  10. They normally get sold off at auctions. Never heard of them being crushed as the Army realised how much money they could get back when I was in. All the non field vehicles were painted olive drab, staff cars etc then they started buying standard colours as at auction they made the same money they paid for it as they got it tax free in the first place. I see a few 110 in civi hands but not the 6x6. Cousins was one of the places that disposed of them http://www.cousins.com.au/ and I see they still sell ex govt stuff.
  11. yeah I thought you guys would get a smile out of it. It's Japanese so meant to be good but did a test today and it peeled but never left it too long. Left it over night with a weight on in so will see tomorrow Perhaps I should have bought the Chinese stuff as that will surely have ozone depleting biohazards in it that would stick well. May buy a few different ones as no real hurry as yet
  12. This is going to be interesting and looks like a big job. I noticed the bumpers dip down at the centre. My P93 bumpers fit the same way
  13. I bought some glue :cool2: Not quite sure on the instructions though so will see how the results are of the sample I glued today [ATTACH]39372[/ATTACH]
  14. The Pinz has a mesh grill seperating the cab from the rear so 'thinking' I will get better access to the injection pump I decided to take it out. As always every bolt but the last one would come out (rivnut spinning). So after much swearing,cursing and wasted time I got the grille out and positioned the injection pump. So looks like a tomorrow to finish bolting it in, but at least I can get above it now. [ATTACH]39365[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39364[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]39363[/ATTACH] Creature comforts [ATTACH]39366[/ATTACH]
  15. Being 8 hours ahead and nearly there. Happy new years from KL Attempted to attach a piccy from hardrock but no luck but will its hot and the views are nice. Beer is cold though
  16. Day off today a Malaysia won the Asean football cup so the PM said dont go to work!! Working on my mates one this morning, refitting a few bits fitted slightly incorrectly So a bit of a lazy start replaced 5 injectors and seals but 6th needs a thinner socket which I had already bought but can't find. Bought a new one on the way home and other un-necessary stuff which happens everytime I go to the hardware store (the hardware guy now smiles every time I go there and offers me beer). Used a Land Rover wheel nut socket for the 5 I replaced as the injectors are 27mm. Rebuilt the power steering ram which was a bit of a Rubiks cube as there are several different types. So hopefully my 2011 resolution will be to get the injection pump back on tomorrow
  17. fesm_ndt

    New toy

    that would have made a great youtube video, I am sure most of us would have watched it, a few times
  18. yep, everybody have a good one :beer:
  19. does look better than some old ford escort floors that are driving the streets but great to see the progress
  20. ditto we like piccies Maybe I should have paid more attention to the English teacher but alas I was a rebel without a clue
  21. For 75mm I got FM 6-70 Service of the Piece - 75mm Howitzer, Horse and Truck-drawn (1939) FM 6-65 Service of the Piece - 75-MM Gun, M1917A1, Truck-Drawn (1939) FM 6-55 (Service of the Piece 75-mm Gun, M2, Horse-Drawn and Truck-Drawn (1939) FM 6-50 Service of the Piece 75-mm Gun, M1897 and M1897A4, Horse-Drawn and Truck-Drawn (1939) any use?
  22. SDP people say people who have Pinzgauers want to buy Haflingers and vica versa I would love to find one in a barn over this way as were exported to many countries around here, even the Australian Army used them Great rebuild :beer:
  23. From what I saw of the er ......... unpleasantness, he had far better taste
  24. Got a GPS very happy with that as I kept putting it off Now just got to get the car moving on its own again
  25. G'Day Been to Austria twice but never got a chance to look around :cry: Welcome
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