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Everything posted by rnixartillery

  1. British and Canadian, T16 is the Yank version ! Rob..................rnixartillery.
  2. Thats correct,this particular gun was reconditioned in 1944. Rob....................rnixartillery.
  3. You can view some of my collection in 'My Album' but unfortunately I will not publicize all of my private collection................ Or it wouldn't be private ! Rob..........................rnixartillery.
  4. Built in 39 and re-conditioned in 44. I will take some snaps of the Mobat and post them next week,its an early de-ac. Rob..................rnixartillery.
  5. Storage is becoming an issue :banghead: but the addiction takes over ! :sweat: Rob...............rnixartillery
  6. Well quite a bit has come and gone over the past few months but just in today is a very nice Russian 76mm Infantry gun.Its an older restoration but has a lovely patina. Also I have a confession, I have just joined the Mobat Club ( dont know why ! :nut: ) but I have had a slot in the collection for one for a while and this Rifle is complete with all its kit,infact it is the one that was kept in the budge collection. Rob.......................rnixartillery collection.
  7. I have been working on the barrel outside preping it between rain showers and got it to a reasonable state yesterday so decided to get it lifted into place today,looking back on the day I really think it was a two man job but struggled by myself and managed to get it dropped on. Everything went according to plan and its great when things just go back together with ease.I was surprised how well balanced it was when the barrel and ring were on. Although this is a mile stone in the restoration there is still quite a bit to do not forgetting it has to come apart again to be painted. Rob......................rnixartillery ---0\~
  8. e-mail sent ! Rob.................rnixartillery.
  9. Had no luck from Weir themselve's they dont seem to have any interest so I hope Clyde Union come back with a bit more. A bit more progress made with thanks to my mate Mark (markyakyak) who kindly offered to blast the barrel on Sunday , once I have sorted it I will lift it into place and screw the ring on. Rob................rnixartillery.
  10. Not many people have, they were rushed into service before trials were completed and problems did arise later on. The land carriage deign was scraped because of this but around 800 were built,the Tank gun continued to be used. As far as I am aware there are no 95mm infantry guns in the UK,the only one I knew of was in the Canadian Artillery Museum and Rob Love out there in Shilo was kind enough to take some pictures of it. I think by the design it was intended to be an Airborne support weapon what with the size and the folding trail but I guess we will never know . However I would like one !:cool2: Rob.................rnixartillery.
  11. Hey Rob Thanks for that, Im sure these pictures will get quite a bit of exposure. It has a high production number but I read that there was around 800 built but were obsolete by mid 1944 due to too many design faults and failures and with the introduction of the recoiless rifle it was no longer needed ! You can see that bits of 6 pdr and 25 pdr were used and I believe the 3.7" AA barrel was cut down and re-chambered. I do not know of any others in preservation which is why I asked for pictures of this one for reference . Thanks again for taking the time to photograph it. :tup:: Rob...............................rnixartillery.
  12. Well I have had some really good news,I recently made contact with the General Manager at Clyde Union which before being sold off was part of G & J Weir, although a new name they still reside at the old works. Anyway after a number of e-mails and several pictures of ongoing work to the gun I was surprised to get a very enthusiastic reply from the manager in which he said that they will delve into the Archives and send me any relavant pictures and information regarding the Hybrid 17/25 pdr. This morning I recieved some pretty amazing pictures of the 'Hybrid' photographed in their yard in 1942 ,one picture show's the post design full scale wooden mock up of their 17 pounder design which is very different to the final approved gun taken up by the War Department . These pictures have never been seen or published before so unfortunately I cannot post them but they are most valuable in the respect that they show every detail on the gun. I have also contacted Weir's head office as I have been told they have an Archive of past production so hopefuly they may have some information. Rob.......................rnixartillery
  13. Might check this one out next month,I know they have a bit of Artillery but did they get the 17 pdr that the Para's had in their old Museum at Aldershot ? Rob...........................rnixartillery.
  14. Tim, If it had been a bit more accurate I might have gone with it,. The model makers seemed not to of had the firing linkage detail................................but I have ! I guess the other bonus with the model kit is that I would be allowed to keep it in the house............................ Rob......................rnixartillery.
  15. Sorry Super6,I misunderstood :undecided:. The Gun I bought to supply the 17 pdr elements for the project had languished outside the Isle of Wight Military Museum for a number of years.The previouse owner had Acquired from a Range were it had suffered severe damage from a multitude of weapons not to mention the weather ! Rob...................rnixartillery.
  16. Compared to most a very practical conversion of a Universal Carrier ! Rob.....................rnixartillery.
  17. And I thought there was one I did'nt know about ! Rob.......................rnixartillery
  18. Hi There super6, can you tell us a bit more about the 17 pdr you have mentioned,its location and are the any pictures ? Fort Nelson does not have a 17 pdr at the Museum so it would seem a strange thing that if they owned one to lend it out rather than keep it at the Fort ! Rob......................rnixartillery
  19. Well its official, a 17 pdr recouperator fits inside the 25 pdr cradle :-D and its only taken two years to find that out ! My son (expert tractor driver at the age of 13) and I spent the best part of the day getting the recouperator in trying not to over push and get the thing wedged but all went well. A couple of minor problems cropped up but soon sorted with some simple solutions.The end cap is also fitted now so I will try and get the barrel blasted this week and drop that into place,this will give some indication to how well the gun was balanced.It will all need to come apart to be painted once I know every thing fits as it should. Rob............................rnixartillery.
  20. It beats collecting stamps ! Rob......................rnixartillery.
  21. I've had a good day back on the pheasant and got the axle painted stone and fitted back to the carriage which makes things easier to move in and out of the workshop,I have also painted the inside of the cradle,recouperator and cap. I have decided to paint these green as the pheasants were assembled from standard production guns and parts so everything would have been green,the light stone would have been applied after assembly. Although when these parts are put together (hopefully tomorrow) they will never be seen again ! Rob.......................rnixartillery.
  22. After a long pause I finally got the Axle and cradle back from the sand blasters,what was suppose to be a week took a month but things are back on track. Weather has been kind so I managed to prime both parts outside yesterday and top coated the axle yellow today,so I will fit the axle back to the carriage tomorrow and then its mobile again. I will then spend a bit of time on the cradle and hopefuly :sweat: get the 17 pdr recouperator slid into place. If every thing fits I will get the barrel blast cleaned and lift that into place on the cradle. Still plenty to do but the pile of bits is getting smaller ! Rob...............................rnixartillery.
  23. Just found these pics of the 18 pdr MK IV at Firepower ! Rob........................rnixartillery.
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