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Everything posted by rnixartillery

  1. Yes it is mounted on top of the ring and appears to be the type used to activate an interupted screw not a Block. I would think it could be for a large Naval gun but can't comfirm. Rob................rnixartillery.
  2. I think Mr Grundy has something to do with this ............................! Rob.................rnixartillery
  3. Can anyone I.D this LBM,its dated 1956 and I think it is British Naval AA. I cant quite place it but It is not 3.7 ! Rob...................rnixartillery
  4. Yes thats correct, desigined as a Mountain Howitzer. The Indian regiments used them in great numbers and still have them today as well as the Pakistani government. Rob..................rnixartillery.
  5. Great Pictures, these are British 3.7" Howitzers and became an Airborne Gun during WWII because they can be packed down. I have one of these tucked away in our barn. Rob.................rnixartillery.
  6. I have a spare NOS unissued 120mm Drill round up for grabs,Made from wood and brass lovely condition but bloody heavy ! Contact for price. Rob..................rnixartillery.
  7. Not sure if this is the right place for this picture but here it is anyway ! Rob...............rnixartillery.
  8. I saw that particular gun in Carls yard while I was there picking a J6 up, another one of those missed opportunities Im afraid and there has been plenty of those !..................if you have the money at the time ..................Buy it ! Rob...................rnixartillery.
  9. The top two pictures in Alex's post is one of two guns that Carl Brown had in his yard to sell about 8 years ago.They were both in perfect condition and I should think ex Spanish civil war. Both Sold I believe . Rob...............rnixartillery
  10. Helping like minded people along is what its all about ...........................my pleasure :thumbsup: Rob..................rnixartillery.
  11. Ssshhhhhhh.............................Not much to see here and the Tea is like Gnats Piss but you will always be made welcome ! Thank you to Chris and Rick for your offers,if I can reciprocate please contact me. Rob..................rnixartillery.
  12. Thanks for the offer Chris, I am ringing around to see if I can get it up a bit futher but may take you up on the offer ! Have you got any further with your 37 mm Bofors ? Rob...............rnixartillery.
  13. In a bit of a pickle ! is there anyone from "up North " going to Malvern next week ? I have an ammunition box coming over from Holland but I am unable to make it down to collect it myself. Any help appreciated . Rob................rnixartillery.
  14. Jamie, If you log onto www.jcmilitaria.com website he has a US 4.5" Rocket Manual for sale ! Rob.............rnixartillery.
  15. I like the way you are drip feeding us with these pictures Bob, Very professional ps,made contact with the 6 pdr guy ! :cool2: Rob...................rnixartillery.
  16. The Super Sherman ended up in Mike Stallwoods yard but not sure if it was the same one Marcus Glen had . Some of it also ended up in The Littlefield collection, all be it over time ! Rob................rnixartillery.
  17. I dont mean to move away from the theads origin but quite a bit of pounds yard was recovered from the sea by pushing tanks into the water and covering them over,just makes you think what is still buried ! Rob.................rnixartillery.
  18. Unfortunately you will never find a yard like that anymore,not on this continent anyway. Does anyone have any pictures of pounds yard back in the day ? Rob..................rnixartillery.
  19. Peter, do you know how many were produced ? This one is pushed in the back of the barn now so I dont have any intensions to do much with it but I do know of two B.A.T.S which are what I would prefer so I will chase them up :nut: Rob...................rnixartillery
  20. A few more Rob........................rnixartillery collection
  21. OK, well here is the Mobat.One of only 8 in existance..............I wish ! It has come out of long term storage and was in the Budge collection, its an older restoration so not perfect but that can be rectified in time. There was quite a bit of kit with it,Drill round and case,light boards and other odds n sods. Its filled a gap in the collection so Im very happy with it and most importantly I did not pay any of those over inflated prices ! Rob....................rnixartillery.
  22. Bill, If you are looking for a bren carrier to restore contact Clive hughes as he has a couple,they are in need of FULL restoration though. There are still a couple of Oxford carriers about ,two being in one private collection but as mentioned very seldom seen in public,infact I have a full set of original manuals for the Oxford. just to throw another bone, what about the Cambridge Carrier ...........................? And finally I think those Aussies built the best one, the 2 pdr attack carrier..............................well done lads ! Rob,....................rnixartillery.
  23. Phil, It is unfired solid shot proof round,If you can save them it would be worth while as they look very nice. They make really good door stops ! Rob............................rnixartillery.
  24. British and Canadian, T16 is the Yank version ! Rob..................rnixartillery.
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