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Everything posted by rnixartillery

  1. I managed to get a couple of hours in the workshop yesterday and made a start on the LBM,I just need to get my mate to turn a new hand grip for the top so I can fabricate the lock,only a small piece but a little bit more done ! I decided to repair what I had rather than fabricate a new one so it still retains its part number. Rob...................rnixartillery.
  2. Fortunately I am use to it now and prepared , I go through the same process with the police making sure they see everything and check all relevant paper work so there is no doubt when they leave. There is a real lack of communication for sure and if they had made contact with my firearms officer it probably would not have gone so far, I actually rang my FA officer when the mob left and he had a right laugh about it and as he has said before on a number of occasions 'this will happen from time to time when people see your Arsenal of weapons and dont quite understand ' One of the other things I collect is inert unfired projectiles in various forms and these to the untrained eye would be seen as Ammunition but one of the things I confirmed several years ago that to be Ammunition you have to be in possesion of the four componants,primer,propellant,projectile and case when they are placed together then you have ammunition ! For now my collection will continue to grow ,still plenty on the wish list and the Police are welcome anytime .................. Rob......................rnixartillery.
  3. What started out to be a normal sort of day ended quite different ! Just As I was about to pop out this afternoon a Police car pulled in at the gate followed by two unmarked cars a Riot van and several other police vehicles all laden with Police officers. My first thought was what did I have that wasn't the right side of the law and as a law abiding Artillery collector I came to a quick conclusion that everything was correct and in place. With this in mind I openly invited the police officers into my buildings and produced all necessary de-ac paperwork and licences and even put them on the telephone to my Firearms officer who pleasingly informed them that my collection was all in order. Several officers remarked that they had not come across anything like it before This is the second time this year I have been spot inspected my the police but never in the numbers today,I have spent years monitoring firearms legislation to keep my collection 100% legal but it would seem things are becoming harder. My point to this thread is that no matter if its a firearm or an Artillery piece these weapons must be kept legally and untampered because no doubt the few will spoil it for the many ! Rob..........................rnixartillery.
  4. Yet another repair in progress,this is the remains of the LBM which I need to re-construct. Who know where the rest is ...............................! Rob..................rnixartillery.
  5. Things have slowed down somewhat over the past couple of weeks partly due to the decision to re-strip the carriage,it had been blast cleaned and primed (by the blaster) a few years ago and then stood since in my mates shed. Two problems ! one the blasters had VERY lightly primed the steel and what with it being stood rust was starting to appear again and the second problem was that the carriage had not been blasted thoroughly ,leaving untouched areas of rust. This is one reason why I prime myself to ensure the item has been blast cleaned properly ! Anyway the carriage has been done and I am about to drop the axle down to my sandblasters so hopefuly be back on course next week. This will then leave the Cradle and Barrel to do and then its time to build the gun to make sure everything fits as it should:sweat: Rob...................rnixartillery.
  6. Now then Mate ! Being a bit modest I think,'some' being the operative word ! :cool2: Rob.......................rnixartillery.
  7. Howard, you have a couple of options,Shaun Hindle has two at the Battle front Museum (he is on this forum) and Micheal Savory (Muckleburgh) has one in his collection. :thumbsup: Rob...................rnixartillery.
  8. That right Lex ,we had a real job trying to find the owner of the M4 Quadrant,he was one of the fair organisers and had wondered off. Yes ,the pack is quite a rare gun,I know where there is a mint barrel,ring and Block over here in the UK for one.I almost bought one last year from a colleague in the states but something else came along and I have a good quota of rare Artillery ! Will you be in the same spot at W&P ? Rob..................rnixartillery.
  9. I saw that panoramic sight in the glass cabinet Lex a few days before,I left it because I didn't have a use for it and ended up buying a few ammo boxes instead ! It just show's that there is still bits of interest out there. I would love a 75mm pack Howitzer but unfortunately out of my price range .:cry:.................................for now. The cushman look well,oddly enough I was at a friends a couple of weeks ago and he had 4 Cushmans in one of his sheds. Rob......................rnixartillery.
  10. Andy,I'm younger than you so who's the old Bugger now !!!! :banana: :rofl:....................................... A pic of the carriage here,this is what the Pheasant plate came off and there is signs of repair so I would say that the 17 pdr certainly placed plenty of strain on the carriage and saddle. Rob........................rnixartillery.
  11. Well,Things have been moving along slowly but one of the parts I have not managed to find is an early pattern muzzle brake. The early muzzle has square vents rather than the later round vents,I think the change was made around mid 43 but not %100 sure.There are several 17 pdr's around in collections and museums that have the latter fitted. So,thanks to Bob Grundy flogging me a round vent Brake I decided to have ago at transforming it to the Square vent which wasn't as straight forward as one would expect !I have an early brake on my 17 pdr so I made some wood patterns of the holes to copy .After quite a bit of cutting out and welding in I have just about got there but need to buy a deep reach die grinder to get inside and grind the snots off,I think after sandblasting with a course grit it will look the Bogs Dollocks !`:nut: Rob....................rnixartillery.
  12. Thank God you have bought me back to my senses Tim ! although I have been up and down that road in a couple of my old jeeps,certainly is the best way to view the beaches and back lanes . Rob..............rnixartillery.
  13. Yes,A jeep is the ideal way to travel up the D514 ! Rob...................rnixartillery.
  14. Just on the subject, I took delivery of two new 120mm proof rounds still sealed in their case today.They had come from Shoeburyness along with a 5.5 Proof round. Rob..................rnixartillery.
  15. Some one had taken a lump hammer to both sight mounts knocking off the brass knobs, bending and breaking the shafts. :banghead: I have repaired one side and might when I find time rebuild this spare quadrant but it wont be a simple task. :sweat: Rob.................rnixartillery.
  16. Just thought I would post a few pics of the M2 now it is complete with the M4-A1 Range Quadrant,I had almost given up on finding one of these but it just goes to show that you never know whats around the corner ! my 105 was one from the batch of Greek lend lease guns that were severly molested when decomisioned but I suppose the next stage for them was the scrap yard ! Anyway another gun is complete and I have the remains of a quadrant if any other owners need parts. Rob...........................rnixartillery
  17. Quite a number of 120mm rifles in all forms were bought up by Budge and Jacksons in the very late eighties,early nineties and sold into the collectors market infact if you look through some of the old Wheels and Tracks mags you can find the sale's ads.There are a lot of Mobats still on army bases as Gate guards and I am sure there is three at Catterick. I have always fancied a BAT which is the early variant with the shield because I think it makes it look more like an Artillery piece. As for tracing your guns history,the best chance is to contact Firepower at Woolwich although unlike Military vehicles the History of an Artillery piece is not normaly held. But one thing is for sure,when it comes to moverbility and storage you cant 'Beat the BAT' ! Rob.......................rnixartillery.
  18. Unfortunately the rumour that there is 'only eight Mobats in existance' is a myth ! A friend of mine bought a large number of them from Budge and Jacksons back in the day when they were £350 each. I know of 6 within a 50 mile radius of Catterick ! and I'm sure there will be a few more tucked away. Rob........................rnixartillery.
  19. We were there on the Friday and Saturday so managed to get to the militaria fairs at St-Mary-Du-Mont, St-Mere-Eglise and Vierville on the Sunday,I was quite surprised how quiet it was compared with other years. A few more snaps Rob..................rnixartillery.
  20. Just walked through the door from 12 days over in Normandy,managed to get around most of the militaria fairs but as usual a distinct lack of British gear for sale, but I did pick up a few bargains.best find was a Yank M4 Quadrant which I have missing from my M2 105mm Howitzer,these fetch up to $1,500 in the States but mine was considerably less.Also took some pics whilst over in Sainte-Mere-Eglise. Some pics for your viewing Rob.........................rnixartillery.
  21. This is the last update for a few of weeks as the family and I are off on our annual pilgrimage to Normandy, I had a few deliveries today and the new springs were amongst them so thats another part sorted out.I decided to have two made as it worked out cheaper per spring and I'm sure the other will get used some where along the line ! And finaly my Section one came back with the new addition of a 17 pdr so with the Pheasant being such a rare piece I can prevent butchering it and keep it live ! :-D Over and out ..................................... :saluting: Rob...................rnixartillery.
  22. Is the Scout complete Maurice or do you have parts to ' track down ' ? Very interesting vehicle to find these days. Rob.......................rnixartillery
  23. I dont think it could be painted any other colour Tim,bareing in mind this gun was developed for a particular campaign being North Africa although I have found no history (as yet) that my carriage actually went oversease or was just a proofing carriage at Eskmeals for the Pheasant conversion. If this is the case that is probably why it is the sole surviver ! Rob.........................rnixarillery.
  24. Yes,the camp is Harperly and was up for sale as the owners and English Heritage couldn' get along.We had some really good events there up until 4 years ago. The half track belonged to a re-enacter but has now long gone,it had a diesel grafted in to it and had the interia missing. Rob........................rnixartillery
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