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Everything posted by rnixartillery

  1. Thankyou for the offer but I have a full set of original manuals for the gun, I normally collect the manuals before finding the gun,a bit arse about face I know ! Oddly enough I have recently been offered two 2.75 Screw Guns . Rob................rnixartillery.
  2. It was a pair of original wood spoked Artillery wheels I found over there, Like everything it is about networking and contacts. When I restore my Guns I go 'all out' to find the right parts and original parts, if I cant find the parts required I 'shelve ' the restoration until missing bits can be sourced. I have some guns that have taken 10 years to restore just finding the correct bits. Unfortunately when restoring anything there comes a time when parts need to be fabricated so a pattern or accurate drawings are then required. Rob....................rnixartillery.
  3. No problem here Mate ! :yawn: Correct.......................... Rob.........................rnixartillery.
  4. Yes ,they are as common as muck, particularly the ex British ones ! Hanno, on another note I bought an item a couple of months ago that I think you might find interesting.Its on a slow boat at the moment but when it arrives I will pm you,Keeping this one private I think but there is only one in the UK at present. Rob......................rnixartillery.
  5. Very easy this one,all I had to do was pick it up ! I would prefer to buy an unrestored Gun but unfortunately I dont have many to choose from. condition does reflect price though . Jeff. I am a licensed Artillery collector,I have no intension or aspiration to fire any of my Artillery. This I made quite clear with the Home Office when applying for my licence, I am happy just to walk around and admire them. Rob.....................rnixartillery.
  6. Hi Ralph, How's things with you ? I made an offer for one over in the States just before Christmas,a lady had quite a bit of British gear for sale,could this be the same one ? Rob....................rnixartillery.
  7. Here she be ! Rob......................rnixartillery collection.
  8. Very interesting , although small still bloody heavy ! Rob.................rnixartillery.
  9. Unfortunatley anything recovered form salt water is a lost cause,it never stops corroding. Even after sandblasting etc it still corrodes. If you visit the salvage museum in Normandy bits fall off the tanks as you walk around them ! Rob....................rnixartillery.
  10. Yes mine is the same only live with original calibre, I knew of this gun and made inquiries to buy but it was too much of a headache ! Rob...................rnixartillery.
  11. Yes Gordon,the B&W pictures are taked in a Yard just in front of a newly errected building . There is a couple of builders sat on top of a wall having there Bate,no Hard hats,High Viz gear or scaffolding. Those were the days before the world went crazy ! Rob....................rnixartillery
  12. Just one at the moment Phillip, they are not very common over here but I think Patrick pics them up from time to time over in Belgium. Rob...................rnixartillery.
  13. You learn something every day ! Rob...................rnixartillery.
  14. I have just got off the phone from the chap I bought the Hotchkiss gun from and he tells me that they have had it in there possesion since 1946 and he guarentees me that it is ex-British contract and survived because it was used by the Home Guard.............................Very Nice ! Rob...................rnixartillery.
  15. This is the latest addition to my collection,it is already restored and still in live firing condtion.It was made in the Hotchkiss factory Paris in 1934 and as the story goes due to the lack of 2 pdr's in production before the outbreak of WWII the War Department invested in a hundred or so of these to make up numbers. The majority went with the BEF to France and were lost but a small number were left behind to train Home Guard units. I will post some better pictures of it when I can but my intention is to collect ALL of the Anti-Tank guns used by the British army throughout World War Two,I already have the rarest one which is a good start ! :-D Rob.......................rnixartillery.
  16. Slow and Steady wins the race !:readbook: Rob...................rnixartillery.
  17. Hi There Niels. Well ,thanks to my dislike of the Bloody cold and wet weather I have not really done much.I did receive some very detailed pictures and Photo's from Clyde Union (Formerly Weirs) showing the firing linkage so I have been constructing that. If you look on the internet for pictures of the pheasant there are very few and non are good for the finer detail. The pictures I have been sent are pretty amazing really and they are high resolution so I can blow them up to see the detail in construction, unfortunately due to copyrights I cannot post any. My plan is to get all the parts made over the next month or so and when the weather warms up break the gun down and paint. Clyde union have showed quite a bit of interest in this project and want to feature it in a corporate magazine which is good and they have also authenticated it from the ID plate. Here are a few recent pics Rob....................rnixartillery.
  18. When these things become valuable its amazing how they crawl out of the woodwork, just look at the increase of restored shermans over the past 10 years. The remains of armour that no one would have bothered with years ago are now 'worth it' ! Rob....................rnixartillery.
  19. Yes thats the best solution, but if you give it a gloss undercoat it needs to be flated before overcoating with matt so the paint sticks ! A friend of mine did this when he restored his K6 and it looks as good today as it did when he restored it many years ago and it is used very regularly. Rob..................rnixartillery
  20. My Mix was 15% gloss just to give it some sheen and a bit more protection than a flat finish. Rob.....................rnixartillery.
  21. Tony Sudds Army Green Rob....................rnixartillery.
  22. To be Continued ! Rob.....................rnixartillery.
  23. And loooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaads of Artillery ! Rob..................rnixartillery.
  24. Does anyone out there know the dates for the militaria fairs in St Mere Eglise, St marie de mont and vierville 2013 ? They are normaly the week leading up to the 6th Rob...................rnixartillery
  25. Those were the days !. Ironically I bought some bits from Ian last year,he's still there ! Rob...................rnixartillery.
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