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Everything posted by berna2vm

  1. Just watched the film 'Sink The Bismarck' on TV. What a load of inaccurate sh**e it is. I watched it as a kid and thought it was good. Watching it now 30 odd years later when you know the history of it, was very disappointing... Still love the 'Battle Of Britain' though :-).
  2. Went today and it was a good do. I did'nt take Bernadette because I thought she would not have been welcome but I am sure that is not the case. I wish I had seen you Eddy, for a chat:-).
  3. Is the B26 Marauder flying yet, Steve? I would come to Croft just to see it fly !!!!:-)
  4. Yes indeed. very complex but very sexy :-). It is the business with bevel boxes and wheel stations which is the most intimidating part!!! Shame they did'nt use live axles.. But then it would not be the vehicle that it is...
  5. I love Saracens! I have got to get one!!! What did the Boys ones fetch?
  6. There was a GMC CCKW which looked really rough but sounded beautiful. The MVT put a display on in Harrogate which was good.
  7. Is anyone parcipitating in the Trans Pennine Run organised by the Historic Commercial Vehicle Society this year? It meets on Birch services at about 8am on Sunday, August 1st. It finishes on the Stray in Harrogate in the afternoon.:-)
  8. All is forgiven... It was posted 3 days after and was delayed in the post...Well done VRO Leeds...:-)
  9. I had a Dinky toy of this when I was a kid... It fired missiles too !!!
  10. And countless P51 Mustangs!!!:-)
  11. Check out the Champ in picture 8... Not many of those in the states.:-)
  12. Hanna Reitch, Wonder Woman of the Third Reich... What a girl!!!
  13. It is years since I heard of the mythical kingdom of Cleckheckmondsedge... You are a learned fellow indeed, Deryck...:-)
  14. It would appear to be a Packard Merlin engine and they were fitted to Motor Torpedo Boats and Rescue boats.
  15. I had no idea that the Third Reich had developed the rotary winged aircraft to such a degree... When I watched 'The Eagle has Landed' over 30 years ago I scoffed at the use of a helicopter. It would appear that theoretically it was possible !
  16. Don't ever be seduced by the attractive costs of 'low price' fuels.I was buying 'diesel' from some tanker drivers. I was dipped in my absence and returned to find my Mercedes van 'stolen' The ba**ards had found traces of kerosene in the fuel and impounded the van. This cost over £1000 to retrieve . Retribution was swift when I found out who had grassed me, seeing me fill the van from drums. The 'recovery' company who charged me an extortionate rates for taking my van 20 miles against my will received more pain than it was worth (out of business within 12 months !). But none of this got me my money back. In short, DON'T EVER USE IT ON THE ROAD !!!
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