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Everything posted by super6

  1. See also https://www.google.com/search?q=ww2+raf+motor+cycles+pictures&rlz=1C1GGRV_enGB751GB751&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=G69DkAoUAfxS1M%3A%2CtgprTiBuehqGMM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTRYcJiLZXlh5gmoCM7K0DswjCOQA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiah9KBgbjoAhUEsXEKHTNtAhEQ9QEwAHoECAoQFQ and click on pictures to get even more black and white wartime pictures. I reckon a little bit of artistic license is allowed here as, although there were instructions, it's all down to how they were interpreted at the time and what was available material wise
  2. I have just read Wheels of the RAF by Bruce Robertson which does cover markings, albeit not in fantastic detail, regarding motorcycles. " RAF vehicles were identified by a service-registered number prefixed RAF. The RAF roundel was adopted as a Service marking in April 1941, to be positioned on the offside of the front of RAF vehicles, where possible on the wing. Roundels were hand-painted using stencils until 1944, when a roundel transfer was introduced. Also in April 1941, a Command and Unit identification letter and number were introduced. In general, the letter was indicative of the command, and the number was the group number or a code number for the unit. This was marked on the front of vehicles, on the opposite side to the roundel, in 5" high white characters. " Photographs in the book seem to contradict the placing of roundels/unit markings, showing them either swapped around or both on the offside! The RAF standard MT roundel sizing was Blue 9", White 5.4" and Red 1.8" " In 1922 instructions were issued to mark RAF on the tank, which some units had done since 1918" See also here http://hmvf.co.uk/topic/20156-ww2-raf-bikes/
  3. Wowsers, thanks fellas. For something so small there are lots of detail changes over the years, understandably. So with a magneto to stop engine presumably you short the spark plug down to earth somehow as per early lawn mowers? Just re read Lex's post regarding the decompressor, does this lift one of the valves off of its seat? Inlet or exhaust? Coil ignition you just switch off as per any modern car? Paul
  4. Okay maybe a daft question(s) but if you don't ask you don't get! Presumably there is a key for the tool box on the basis of one fits all? All makes, standard key? Is this part of the riders equipment as opposed to bike equipment? What about for starting the bike, with regards turning on the ignition a key or is it just a switch? Mounted where? Fabulous restoration, like the joint effort by all concerned with people offering up parts from all over I'm not a bike person, as if you couldn't guess 🙂 Paul
  5. What are the hooks on rear wheels for? Chains?
  6. What stops the tools from just falling out when jolting along a rough road/track, as there don't appear to be any straps? or, heaven forbid, being borrowed?
  7. Who used the Amphi-Car..............the Navy? 🙄
  8. super6


    How big/little is it? What, if anything, is on the back?
  9. The cold method was carried out on Shed and Buried by Sam Lovegrove and Henry Cole when they restored a Penny Farthing. What size rubber and wire would you require for a truck wheel! just getting my coat now 😁
  10. It looks like it says Unic but a google search doesn't bring up anything that looks like it!
  11. Out of curiosity what is tape, friction, 3/4-in wide, and what is its purpose? Presumably a paulin is a tarpaulin?
  12. What ever brand/make of wheel/brush you use in your angle grinder make sure it's rated speed is higher than the rated speed of the said angle grinder.
  13. " It has now! Begs the question, What museum? I walked the South downs Way a few years back now and must have been within half a mile of the tank hulk, didn't even know it was there
  14. Found this, having googled orolo track units, as manufactured by Roadless Traction, who were started 100 years ago this year! http://archive.commercialmotor.com/article/23rd-february-1945/32/endless-track-equipment-for-tackling-heavy-bomber-
  15. I concur, see also here for the various 6x4 types by scrolling down http://panzerserra.blogspot.com/2015/04/leyland-retriever-gantry-version-6x4.html
  16. Looks fab albeit drafty, no spare wheel? What are the items in the rear locker, suction pipe and canvas bucket I see, CUP 4 I presume means 4 cups! but what of the other tinned items?
  17. Not many aircraft survived 100 ops, but 35 did 100 or more. Only info I can find on this is a book. Wasn't the BBMF Lancaster given a Ton Up paint scheme on one side a few years back? https://www.google.com/search?q=Ton-Up+Lancs&rlz=1C1GGRV_enGB751GB751&oq=Ton-Up+Lancs&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l3.1191j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  18. I flagged this one up too! http://hmvf.co.uk/topic/39577-unknown-early-chassis/?tab=comments#comment-442298
  19. This may be a daft question, but as at work there is no such thing as a daft question, I don't think so! Any ways I presume there are two lots of spark plugs because there are two ignition sources, but why two ignition sources?
  20. I had another internet rummage and came up with this, Ford Vanette, scroll down and look at the brochures http://www.coachbuilt.com/bui/v/vanette/vanette.htm
  21. I was looking at this newspaper article as you posted your reply. Who bodied them seems to be lost in the mists of time although they do look a little bit like the Montpelier Super Urban van, albeit with a higher roof line.
  22. Looks similar/like a Renault AGK with suicide doors https://myntransportblog.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/1936-renault-agk.jpg
  23. An eclectic mix of items alright leaning heavily towards agriculture. He used to put on a 1 day show complete with a tractor road run.
  24. There is also this company who received glowing praise in Tractor & Machinery magazine March 2019 two years after being installed. http://dynamoregulators.com/
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