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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. View from inside with the pack removed... View from the front hatch...
  2. The steering box looks like this... The brake bands, which are used for both breaking and steering, are inside the unit. There are 2 shafts which connect the steering box to each final drive, and a prop shaft from the gearbox to the input.
  3. sirhc


    Is that where the joins were when the track was made up from sections? Are there yellow connectors on the hull side of the other track?
  4. You're right Richard, I've not worked on a Jeep engine. I used Red Hermetite on my M151 engine. Chris
  5. Make sure the surface it seats into is clean, scrape out any rust, put some gasket sealer on the edge and stick it in. Using a hammer and a drift go around the edge knocking it in a bit at a time and ensure it goes in square.
  6. There is no need to run one on red diesel, with the multifuel engine they can run on contaminated (water/diesel mix) from recovery companies. We have owned 2 FV432s, one of them I registered for the road and did drive it on the road. I did not enjoy the experience, the width is an issue as is the drivers hatch sticking up in the air preventing you from seeing to the left. The thing I dislike most is that you have to steer and stop with the same levers. Pull them both back to stop. If they are not correctly adjusted, or you pull one back further than the other it will not stop straight. They are great fun off road though, and with free fuel you can play all day, or untill the tracks fall off. If you want something a bit more road friendly then a CVR(T) is the way to go. They are more expensive, but with good reason. Compared to an FV432 they are tiny, but vision, manouverabilty and handling is far better than a FV432. Chris
  7. It shouldn't be an issue. I just went out and had a look at mine. The new cable I bought to go from the switch back to the battery had a smaller ring than the terminal, so I just made up a block of aluminium with 2 holes in it to go between the cable and the switch. Chris
  8. Get a key type disconnect, stick it through one of the holes in the battery box. You will need to drill 2 holes for the bolts and buy a couple of short leads to connect it up. I've had one on mine for 10 years and never had a problem. Chris
  9. 1 and 5 are some of the boxes you would use to set up an intercom. The IB3 (no 5) is the main box in an intercom system and is where the power, radios etc connect. The drivers box (no 1) is designed to be used in a tank, but is rarely used and a Crew Box 2 set is usually used instead. No 2 looks like a power distribution box. No 3 is used in a VRC353 installation and goes between the TUAMM and the radio. No 4 is an initiate box and is used ina 351/2 installation. It does look like someones bought some random boxes and bolted them to the dexion as not many seem to be connected! Chris
  10. No Snatches were used in Op Granby! You need BS381C shade 361 'Light Stone' Chris
  11. 00EB72 was a Chieftain mk 2.
  12. The trouble with those scanners is they usually let the scams through and block the legitimate emails. There is nothing wrong with a www3. url.
  13. What makes you think it's a scam?
  14. Any 900 x 16 tyre will do. Try LW Vass, they should have a selection in stock.
  15. Simex ST24, made in Malaysia. Good luck trying to get some in the country, I tried back in 2003 and others have tried since. To begin with they would only sell a container load at £200 a tyre, then they lost interest all together. Chris
  16. sirhc


    G90s or XZLs. I've got a fairly good 7.50x16 XCL you can have for £20 if you need one. Chris
  17. http://www.kemper-parts.de/english/welcome.htm
  18. I am surprised, I have the 1965 user manual with suppliments 1 to 12, 12 being the winch installation... I thought this would be the easiest one to get hold of? http://www.ekmpowershop5.com/ekmps/shops/greenmachines/fv432-fv-432-mk2-and-mk21-user-handbook-171-p.asp Chris
  19. I'd say it's more likely these are the well known black and white images?
  20. I've seen 2, but neither of them had the winches fitted. Note the ground anchors either side of the rear door in these photos. The shiny green one used to belong to a friend, it's a Mk1 and was equipped as a standard APC. The other one with the cut down rear door was at Withams in 2005. 24A is a REME LAD call sign. Chris
  21. Looking good, but I have to point out that the air intake on the passengers side is on backwards!
  22. Evening, but remember a lot of stuff goes on in the evening... practice for the mock battles, starting point for the various convoys etc, might be best to check with Rex which evening is best before arranging it!
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