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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. You repair the gaskets by changing them. How much they cost depends on which ones they are, there are thousands of them on a Saracen!
  2. The lube trailers were purchased in a 2 year period, they would have been released in the last month or so, making them almost 20 years old.
  3. 49 AT 33 was the Alvis prototype Sabre. I've seen all the bins etc that were trialled when they were designing it, still with prototype lables on. I was going to have a few, untill I realised they didn't actually open! The photo shows it all shiny and brand new. This has had 'Sold' written on the front since I first spotted it at Withams 2 or 3 years ago. Shame really as I would have liked it. Chris
  4. sirhc

    Beltring mud?

    Vince, The Spartans were working quite well as sausage machines, I saw a few sausages of mud fall out of your Sprockets! Chris
  5. Rick, I think the combat rims are the devided disc/split rim type - you can change a tyre without any special equipment? No doubt someone will tell me if I am wrong. Chris
  6. I've been trying to upload a few more videos, but the status bar doesn't work and then it times out. Might need to look at this Joris!
  7. Paul, If you want to fit the mk 3 alternator I think you will also have to change your generator panel to the later one. Te later panel will work with either alternator but the mk 3 alternator will only work on the later panel. I'd have swapped the panel first, easier to do and you'd soon know which unit had failed. Chris
  8. Jack, You can get some software which submits your website to the search engines. You can set this up to do it every week, 2 weeks etc. The best way to get up the rankings is to make sure you have all the correct mata tags, keywords etc. Search google for this topic, there's been plenty written about it. I spent a long time trying to get some websites I was working on up the rankings. Chris
  9. Kevin, The Chieftain ARRV is one of my favourite vehicles. Let me know if your boss wants to sell it! :-D Chris
  10. I guess I'll keep trying then! I need this engine to be a good one, I started pulling apart the other spare engine I had and found 2 pistons which had totally burnt through! Chris
  11. I've been trying to unstick a J60 for the past 2 weeks. I've tried coke, hot oil, diesel, WD40, heat, time, a large hammer and block of wood. So far I have got 3 pistons out (2 came out easily) by removing the head & sump and knocking them out through the top. The other 3 won't budge and it's really starting to annoy me know. It's sat full of diesel at the moment. Any suggestions, or should I just leave it even longer? Incidently the engine looks very good, little wear and the 3 pistons we got out looked almost new. The engine has been drained of oil and has sat a long time, otherwise I think it may have been ok! :shake: Chris
  12. Rick, The 2 numbers 2 letters 2 numbers is a post war registration number, this scheme was introduced in the late 1940s and all wartime vehicles still in service were renumbered. YH and YJ were used for jeeps. Chris
  13. If you ask me Jack is lagging behind, he's had that GMC for a while now, most 'normal' people would have bought at least one other vehicle by now! ;-)
  14. Mark, A Ferret is an ideal first vehicle, ignore what these ww2 guys say. They're small, light, fast, armoured, easy to fix, easy to find spares for, they fit in your garage, and they're fairly cheap. You can buy 2 for the price of a jeep! You'll have far more fun in a Ferret than a Pig. Pigs a slow, heavy, have no brakes, big things to store, but you can sleep in the back, so they're not all bad! Chris
  15. Clive has written a good article for fault finding on these charging systems. Try looking in his section of the forum. Chris
  16. Mick, I think you can expect a CVRT engine to last for thousands of miles, providing it is well driven and well cared for. A set of track will last for 1000 or so miles, so you'd expect an engine to last through several sets of track. Most of the knackered engines I've seen have thrown rods through the block. This is due to a heavy right foot, starting in a high gear and the centrifugal clutch. Chris
  17. L Jackson & Co have listed 200 Series 3 109s for sale at prices between £100 and £600. If I had some space I'd buy one, or two, but I don't, so I thought I'd tell you all about them! Obviously they've been outside a long time now, but some of them will be good projects. I've had a look through and can spot a couple of interesting ones. At £100 a go they're worth it for spares. http://www.ljacksonandco.com/ Look on the LHS under the buttons. Chris
  18. Which one are you bidding on Andy? Chris
  19. There are always no. 10 alterators on ebay, if all else fails try the dealers, but they won't be cheap! I've had more problems with the panels then the alternators.
  20. It shouldn't take too long, all the jobs on a CVRT are pretty straight forward & easy. Mike and Vince were trying to set the record for a gearbox change at Beltring. I don't think it went quite to plan though? Chris
  21. Rick, Is this the chassis which was on ebay? I was watching it too.. Chris
  22. http://www.crouchrecovery.co.uk/ I saw a few of MJs in a scrap yard a few months back. They were starting them up, waiting till they ran out of fuel then pushing them over to the torches and cutting them in half. Some of them looked better than the ones you see on the roads... Chris
  23. Sounds like it wasn't too bad then. Yep it was the camo one, was pretty tidy all round. I saw one in a tender sale a couple of months back with a new engine, exhaust, tyres, brakes and canvas. The cab was straight, it just wanted some paint. I think it made £2000. That one would have been a bargain! Chris
  24. Mark, I saw one of those being towed back, very slowly, to the Americas Field by a series 1 Land Rover on the last day. It was really struggling in the mud, but as I was packing my tent up I was relieved that I hadn't just bought it, it obviously didn't run and I wanted to get home! I was very tempeted though, but ended up with a Sultan instead :shake: Chris
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