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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Welcome to the forum. I do know of a British Mk 2/3 Ferret for sale in Ontario, Canada. The vehicle is not in any way connected to me but I know the owner was selling it earlier this year with lofty ideas of value, I know that as winter nears he may have realised his value is too high. Regards Robin Craig
  2. The truck and trailer in post 862 is a very common set up over here in North America. We have run several versions like this. The truck towing the trailer is quite likely an automatic. In the driving culture over here it is often noticed that drivers do not engage what most Europeans would call the parking brake but is referred to over here as the emergency brake. It is a foot operated pedal affair and invariably is not used as drivers rely on the transmission to hold the vehicle, it does not lock the vehicle right up. This is what I would suggest happened and then the vehicle had some movement. The truck attempting to load to the trailer was likely not going to make it because of the break over angle of the trailer deck versus the angle possible with the running boards fitted to the truck. This may also explain why they have the ramps on higher ground, trying to raise the back end. Add to that these trailers have a spring mounted on the pivot bar for the ramps to help you lift the ramps to stow them which is why they popped up under the truck body so easily after the front wheels go onto the trailer I have seen cars grounded out on these types of trailers because of the break over angle. I think they were doomed from the start. My 2 cents worth R
  3. Welcome to the forum. Is your Spartan a British or a Belgian machine? R
  4. It was no coincidence mate, I saw you on the CCTV:cool2: like everything else in the UK To be clear, it is the wide track that interests me, but others may want the narrow track. R
  5. Andy, in your post number 3, the fourth picture down is darn near what i'm looking for but with some dimensions as to overall width and length and also hole spacings and set backs, one corner detail as a typical would be welcome also, if you have a chance some time. R
  6. Did anyone ever get around to doing up a proper sketch for either the narrow or more hopefully the wide track trailer? We in the colonies would like to have a reasonable fascimile made by a local chap if possible. Anyone? R
  7. In case anyone thinks I won the lottery, this belongs to the Union Jack Collection for whom I work. We have multiple issues to check over before allowing any "test drives" on site let alone before presenting it for a full safety inspection (MOT) before registering for the road. I suspect there is an alignment needed, already getting a list of things to fettle organized. I am going on holiday at the end of this week for two weeks, supposedly. Thanks for the comments R
  8. Just unstuffed a container this week and hauled this back home. Not sure if any others have been imported as yet (versus being sold off from BATUS). Just starting to look it over R
  9. Paul, After a number of years operating the J60 engined vehicles which run wide open screamming at you the diesel just has a lot of low down torque and grunt with instant throttle response without all the revs needed. Even when you do give it revs it all sounds so much more controlled unlike the J60 which sounds like it wants to grenade. What Chris referenced was the change in input RPM for the gearbox which is where it all gets handled. For anyone who works around machinery there is a sound of a diesel engine working confidently that one just gets used to and to the ear sounds appropriate. For first timers around a J60 they can not believe those revs are standard to make it move. That I what I attribute the diesel to, it just sounds right. R
  10. Chris, Sounds like interesting news there. I guess we are fortunate having a Stormer and a number of the petrol engine CVR(T)s in the collection. The difference between diesel power and petrol is huge, it is what they really need. Good luck with your project R
  11. Thanks for clearing that up, from the original picture it was difficult to see if it was a 6 or 8 by. The portee project was with M777. Thanks R
  12. There was a portee project that these were for I believe. The project was canned and it all imploded and died. That is as much as I know. R
  13. Bienvenue Brunno, Toute lemonde ici sont bonne et propre et il ya plusiers type des vehicules. Je suis aussi au Canada R
  14. If it is a Mk 1, then would it not by definition be without a turret? Is this person trying to represent another Mk of the Ferret? Which type of turret is being looked for, there are after all a few of them to choose from. See what I am driving at? R
  15. Nic, why are you doing separate thread starts on the same vehicle? why don't you simply keep adding more posts to the same thread? R
  16. Nice to see the old girl getting some attention. Nice shed your working in there. When do you project it will be finished by? Will the Stolly (aka Sir Leakalot) get done next? R
  17. I thought I would drop in and enlighten people as to what is going on. Well, not much really to be honest, as we built a house last year and now comes the garage / workshop this year. The major decision we have made is what to do with our second Ferret Mk1 Cdn. The intent was to tidy it up / restore it and pass it along. frankly that is not going to happen now. It represents to us an enormous on hand opportunity for spares that we can ill afford pass over. When you consider where in the world we are located (Canada), where in the world most of the major assemblies are located (Britain), and the ever increasing cost and the dwindling supply of them and just for good measure add the cost of sending that kind of lump Trans-Atlantic, we would be fool to part with it. So the thought process is that we will strip and crate all the components for storage and save the hull which is serialised. That way in the future if someone else wants to restore it the hull is here. Remember there were only 124 of them sent out here. At least this is what is making sense to us, and what will do us best for call sign 31 when its done. R
  18. Arjan, no need to count the splines, it already has a series wheel in place and is driveable like that right now, just a bit tight for the ample figured ones among us. I know all about EMLRA and 101 club etc, too many clubs to be a member of everything at once R
  19. Thank you very much for all the replies. Yes I am in need of one, eventually, will start with the usual suspects. Just dreading what I will find when I take off what has been fitted as a substitute R
  20. Someone must have something to say on such a simple question R
  21. Just ended up buying a 101 FC that has dropped into my lap after looking after it for 4 years and shunting it around. A friend who joined the Navy over 4 years ago finally phoned and said he was coming home on leave and wanted to scrap the truck as no one would buy it for the money he wanted for it. After settling him down I managed to convince him that he was not going to be allowed to scrap it. He then broke down and made us the deal of a lifetime, so my lady and I and the bank line of credit bought it. Im not saying how little we paid as it is obscene. Just trying to jack up a swap of Ferret sand channels for a wide track trailer to make a nice pair. These trailers are rare over here and buddy has one not being used and he needs Sand Channels but doesn't know it. Pictures to follow R
  22. Was this steering wheel common to any other Land Rover if so what? R
  23. Somehow there seem to be too many pins in that terminal Mike. I have not seen that green box before used with a boiling vessel. I seem to recall four pins on our BV206 which has the same grey box as Antar shows if not a slight bit different but virtually identical. I will 100% agree that they are a power hungry unit to run and we only run ours with vehicle on high idle, you really hear the engine come under load when you throw the switch. Conversely I would not be without a working boiling vessel. R
  24. There are a number over this side of the pond. Frankly they change hands for stupidly low money from what I have seen as they are usually in a state of disrepair and as a result why would you pay top dollar for an unproven item. If you could get $15,000 for one you would be doing well. Most people run them and keep them or they go downhill rapidly after stopping working fully. R
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