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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. I think for prudence sake I would make the guides drop in to tubes pre welded to the deck thereby making them removeable for other load usages. R
  2. I'm very interested to see what you have done to get it to fit. Are you going to be fitting stops to the inside of where the tracks sit to help centre it let to right as we see o ther tank transporter decks? What material are you going to use for the deck proper? R
  3. Welcome to the forum, I have the pleasure of looking after a number of those vehicle types currently. Hope you enjoy the banter on here R
  4. John Deere has been using a can of the same description and has done for years. They mount them on dozers etc like the 450c range. I would buy the mounting from a tractor / dozer scrap man and paint it green and plumb in place of the UK system if you can't find their cans over here. Only you and I will know its not proper but it will function none the less. Frankly I would go to extraordinary lengths to do anything possible to avoid using ether under any circumstances. Nobody ever uses it properly and many engine re-builders / mechanics will tell you of tales of woe of how it has been used improperly. A good or multiple block heaters or in line coolant heaters with pumps, with the usual caveats, and some kind of battery maintainer would be my preference any time over using ether. It is a last resort product and honestly if you care about your MV and you are using it at those temperatures then you must be driving on salt covered roads anyway, and thereby inviting the rust worm onto your baby. R
  5. Interesting to see some kind of towing frame in the stowed position in front of the radiator, hardly looks beefy enough to tow that lorry. What vehicle was housed in a semi trailer or articulated lorry set up in the 70's then, I thought that was x ray? I recall seeing one at Sutton Coldfield at the recruiting place and I thought it was sold off through Withams in the late 90's. Maybe i'm loosing it. R
  6. Dan, As one who operates and maintains and provisions parts for many vehicles including CVR(T) I can tell you first hand that what Chris is reporting is 100% correct. There is virtually nothing over here, ever. The exception to that statement have been a few odds and sods that have been sold as scrap from BATUS but it is nothing of any regularity or anything of any worth as it is often defaced or worn out anyway. None of these vehicles come with any kind of guarantee of any parts supply, you are unrealistic if you perceive that parts of every kind are even available in the UK. I am of the mindset that you buy as much and as often as you can in the way of consumables when you see them for sale or you work out how to repair or overhaul items yourself. Vehicles offered for sale with spares are always nice but often rare to see. Chris is hinting of persons bringing containers over, I think you know who to ask about that. R
  7. I am itching just looking at them, wretched things. I agree with Bob that you need to plug the iron in for best effect R
  8. Having just swapped a gearbox in a CVR(T) earlier this year I honestly think that some of the restrictions on who can do what that Richard is talking about is derived from a series of decision making reasonings that should not exclude mere mortals as ourselves from attempting or doing. Frankly gearboxes are one of the main assemblies about which there is created a huge aurora of complexity and doom and gloom as it is a bit of a specialist subject. Once you break into that world and meet and know some of the people in it you will realise that it is a specialised world but honestly it is basic to them. We have a gent like that locally. He is second generation owner of a shop that rebuilds both manual and automatic units and he is not afraid of items that are considered odd ball by todays standards. We have 3 CVR(T) gearboxes being readied for his attentions. Honestly Martin I think that sane reasoning and some skill will replace those seals and as Richard says you may need to make some tooling but it may be just as much aggravation to find the seals. Having the parts manual for the gearbox will help identify what you are looking for to begin with, the one I have has about 138 pages for the gearbox, is that the one you have? I know others who have had some of the CVR(T) seals made. R
  9. I can hear the cries of a mother in the distance "It will end in tears young man" R
  10. Dear Juddy, Grand looking truck you have there. Could you tell us about the buying process and what you have had to do to kit the truck out and any hoops you had to jump through to road register it? I'm sure many people here are interested to learn more about these trucks as they come out of service. Can you perhaps show some detail shots like engine etc? How does it handle comared to other Land Rovers you have driven. Thank you R
  11. Yep, as if there is any need, Chris as usual is correct. R
  12. In pictures 3 and 4 i would say that it is the second from the left gear. Dont have my manal to ID the gear but thats the one I choose as being naff. R
  13. Here are the rest of the photos. From the same maker i'm thinking is the salt / sand spreader which is ground driven using the yoke for the UJ as the mount for a spinner. The axle having been turned through 90 degrees. Classic MV usage likely 65 plus years on since manufacture R
  14. While on a road trip yesterday to the southern tropical end of Ontario I spied this. A quick spin around the block brought us back and a closer look. Here for your delight and delectation are the photos. I just love his business name. R
  15. Dear Daniel, Thank you for your reply. Your TACR register is brilliant, I have admired that for a while now. Because of all the magazines and books that the photos are in and the schmozzle involved in A getting permission to use the images B the physical activity of actually scanning and uploading them, it isnt going to happen, I just wont live that long. A simple database is all I can manage, in the public domain, with a moderator only upload of changes, but viewable to all and sundry in the public domain in perpetuity (perhaps Jack will allow it on here). A line would ready something like this:- 04 FD 45 Scorpion CMV 108 May 2010 P39 B+W B+W AMFL Norway ca 1980 Which would translate out as:- 04 FD 45 Scorpion Classic Military Vehicle magazine issue 108 May 2010 on page 39 photo is black and white vehicle is black and white in use by Ace Mobile Force Land in Norway circa 1980 Of course if there was a subsequent photo of the same vehicle in a different scheme or different upgrade fit with a different user then there would be another line above or below it with that info. Bob Morrison used that system that I had to track a particular Land Rover ambulance in about 5 different users and varying camouflage schemes. So, gradually over time as others send in scanned in images to the moderator they can be sorted through and added without any copywrite issues. It also saves me buying every publication ever printed. We can all assist in sending stuff in. So when Sirhc posts about a recently demobbed CVRT we can see all the different places it may have served that have been captured in film at. R
  16. what about the whole top hatch assembly complete, I know the Cold War Collection out here are looking for one. R
  17. Nic. If seated in drivers seat do you not have a plate on the B pillar just above where your left ear is? That is where most Brit BV206s have their data plates. R
  18. Joe, you might want to join Maple Leaf Up and post on their forum as well. Likely more responses R
  19. Good day "brewstop" any chance of a real name to add to your forum name ie Bob Tim or Joe. How about adding in the headboard part where you are located? I realise there is OPSEC but even NE UK would be great. Interesting mix of vehicles you are associated with. R
  20. A long time ago, when I had time, I used to make scale models, quite a bit. At that time, I had started making a list of all British Military Vehicles and their Military registration number or ARN. It also showed what colour scheme they were in and a bit of extra info if say it was an oddity ie like a Bedford truck in white but fitted with a snow plow in Cyprus etc. The listing made mention of which publication the photo was in and what page etc so anyone could find the resource later. I did it manually listing the vehicles in the ARN sequence and at no time did I copy in the photo. I am, foolishly, considering doing this again, starting from scratch, trolling through all my reference material. this time I would like to do it in a manner that ensures that the effort is not lost like my past one. I would like to somehow set it up in the public domain on a free basis. I guess someone, likely me, would have to be the administrator, so that others could pass on info and make that available to the list. I am just trying t get my head around the enormity (and foolishness) f the project and what benefirt others could derive of it. I know when I did the old one it was useful to people as one could track in service pictures of vehicles during their lifetime. I now throw open the floodgates for discussion, be aware that if you suggest something I might ask you to be part of this vortex! R
  21. Richard, thank you for all the info, I have read the manual and understand parts of it all, im slowly getting to grips with what I don't. As with any of these tasks, they are daunting until he first one is done properly and then one wonders what all the fuss was about. R
  22. Very slowly, im getting it, i think. What governs the adjustment of those square headed bolts that the pawl strikes on, that is the part that seems to me to be critical as to whether the pedal up process actual does anything, which is what I think Richard is trying to say. R
  23. Answer A, yes me Answer B, hmm will have to go look, how much of a rush are you making this request? Can you send a picture where the missing bit is? R
  24. Like so many of the large items for sale in recent years i'm thinking that these will end up being sold to the scrap man. In fact I would damn near bet my humble pension on it R
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