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Great War truck

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Everything posted by Great War truck

  1. That is amazing. Just out of curiosity, whereabouts in Iraq? Tim 9too)
  2. Ok. I knew that it wouldnt take long, but there is an M38 for sale on E bay now for $59,900. Take a look at: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Willys-M38-M-P-Jeep-Restored-Authentic-1952-Willys-M38-Military-Patrol-Jeep_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a10Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1308QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem280303281287QQitemZ280303281287QQptZUSQ5fCarsQ5fTrucks Madness. Where are these idiots with such money? (And how do i become one?). Tim (too)
  3. just watched the film "The eagle has landed". lots of m20's in there. So, i would say that as long as you are re-enacting that film, then the carrying of an M20 is quite correct. Maybe also Battle of the Bulge. Tim (too)
  4. $104,500 for an M38 is insane. A fool and his money are soon parted it seems. Tim (too)
  5. Yes, i remember that now. I knew that i had seen something similar before. Tim (too)
  6. Where was that taken? Afghanistan? Tim (too)
  7. Very well written and interesting. I note that the chap re-enacting a combat photographer is carrying a 45. Were photographers ever armed? Tim (too)
  8. Here is an interesting photo i came across on the GWF: http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=113446&hl=salonika Scroll down to the bottom and you will see a hut clad in unfolded petrol tins. I would suggest that as we have enough of these between us we could replicate it on the club house. Tim (too)
  9. I think you need to ask yourself whether it is not what Jack can do for the French, but what can the French do for Jack. I appreciate that the French writing their magazines in French is dashed inconvenient of them, but if you read aloud and shout you will be able to understand it all. Tim (too)
  10. Thats right. Often described as WW2, but was the post war replacement for the 2.36. Hundreds came into the country and were deactivated about 20 years ago. They were sold for about £65 each at that time because there were so many of them. They are very interesting if you collect post war de-acs but totally wrong for a WW2 re-enactor. Tim (too)
  11. The M20 was not used during WW2. You want a 2.36" for Ww2. Tim (too)
  12. Found it. But he was the drummer for new Order and Joy Division as opposed to New model Army. Better get that right if Snapper is seeking an interview. Tim (too)
  13. Yes, you are talking about John Cohglan (who indeed used to live on the IOM), the first drummer from the Quo. He lives just a couple of miles away and he is a great bloke. He has had a succession of MV's, but currently has a SUMB. Tim (too)
  14. NMA is one of my favourite bands. Really excellent live as well. You do always hear about band members who have made a bit of money blowing it on something stupid. It is really refreshing to see that someone has a sensible hobby. I couldnt find it on I Player, what vehicles does he have. Tim (too)
  15. I would like to seem him stop that lot.
  16. Steve is the one to answer that. Steve! What do you think? Tim (too)
  17. Very interesting. Why is the lorry jacked up off the ground? Does all the equipment have to be level before they start using it? Tim (too)
  18. One of the most interesting books that i have read. Worth buying
  19. The magazine went in the mail today. You can let me have it back at Stoneleigh. Tim
  20. Yes, it is going to be great - but could you please sit between me and Jack. Tim (too)
  21. I have done it. Ticket booked £79.68. Make room on the wagon i am coming with you. However, i must sit up next to the pilot or i will get sick. Hell of an early Birthday present though, but really excited about it now. The first time i heard of this museum was when i bought a whole lot of ATB postcards in the 70's which had the Overloon tanks in their forest setting. That always fired my imagination and wish to go visit. Tim (too)
  22. Ahh, i was too slow. Put me on the waiting list in case anybody drops out. Tim (too)
  23. Well hang on, i was just playing hard to get. Shall i mail it to the Unit 9 address? Tim (too)
  24. Can i bring it to Stoneleigh or do you need it before that? Tim
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