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Great War truck

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Everything posted by Great War truck

  1. As you say Steve, the Traffic looks very restorable. The Mack is loveley though. Where is it located? Tim (too)
  2. Its looking good. Nice to have such a spacious and well equipped workshop to do it in. Makes a change from the last one you did John, in a lean to out in the desert wasn't it? With this one, that makes 7 FWD Model B's that have either been just restored or are in the process of being restored in the last couple of years. Great job. Tim
  3. Wow. A Bulldog. Not seen one of those for years. Photos please!!! Tim (too)
  4. You seem to all know about this sort of thing. It was an unexploded shell that did it. Would a magnet have picked it up i wonder? Maybe Steve should put in a sensor that when i magnetic item is identified that is too big to pick up then it shute the whole thing down. Steve! What are your thoughts? Tim (too)
  5. It is amazing how many of these old trucks are still tucked away, only to come out every now and again. I have been looking on Youtube for the Traffic clip in the film "Those magnificent men in their flying machines". Youtube could be a fabulous tool but it is a little sad that it is mostly used for mankinds baser instincts. I did find a couple of clips of the film, including one of Sarah Miles getting her skirt ripped off. There is a good clip of the movie at: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=s4fVp-hEPOk Which does not show the Traffic but is quite fun. Tim (too)
  6. As you may know Steve designs and builds rock crushers for Terex. He occasionally send photos of his crushers and occasionally talks about people doing silly things (usually involving climbing inside while the thing is on - and well you know how that story ends). He just sent me three photos of a crusher to which something quite unusual has happened. Anybody want to guess what went wrong with this one: Tim (too)
  7. Thanks for the advice there. I think someone had a go at it with a grinder. I will let you know how i get on. Thanks again Tim (too)
  8. I have had some cracking sugggestions from Robert, so with the other suggestions made i think we have enough to finish of the song. I am not sure if we can have turret totty as Rex does not seem to stock them. Not even NOS ones. On the 1st Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me An axle for a GMC On the 2nd Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 3rd Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 4th Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Four jerrycans Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 5th Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Five piston rings Four jerrycans Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 6th Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Six tracks a laying Five piston rings Four jerrycans Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 7th Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Seven DUKW's a swimming Six tracks a laying Five piston rings Four jerrycans Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 8th day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me eight miles to the gallon Seven DUKW's a swimming Six tracks a laying Five piston rings Four jerrycans Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 9th day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Nine brake drums drumming eight miles to the gallon Seven DUKW's a swimming Six tracks a laying Five piston rings Four jerrycans Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 10th day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Ten brake pipes a piping Nine brake drums drumming eight miles to the gallon Seven DUKW's a swimming Six tracks a laying Five piston rings Four jerrycans Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 11th day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Eleven wrecks a wrecking Ten brake pipes a piping Nine brake drums drumming eight miles to the gallon Seven DUKW's a swimming Six tracks a laying Five piston rings Four jerrycans Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 12th day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Twelve volts a flowing Eleven wrecks a wrecking Ten brake pipes a piping Nine brake drums drumming eight miles to the gallon Seven DUKW's a swimming Six tracks a laying Five piston rings Four jerrycans Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for Jacks GMC Perfect. Thanks everyone. Sorry to hear about peoples woes, i really am. It will get better i am sure. Tim (too)
  9. I would agree with that and also never used by the military. There is one survivor in the UK, which was used in the film those magnificent men in their flying machines - as the ride for the travelling air circus - it carried the early aeroplane of the two American brother pilots. You should restore yours to looklike that one John. It would be most appropriate. One was found in the UK a few years back. Someone thought it was a steam Thornycroft chassis for a while and the Basingstoke (Thornycroft) museum became very excited, until i spoke to the curator and told him that it was not and then he became very dissapointed. There is a running one in California that i was given a picture of a while ago. Tim (too)
  10. How far along is the restoration and have you got any photos of your progress? Tim (too)
  11. Thats it. Excellent suggestions. We are getting there. On the 1st Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me An axle for a GMC On the 2nd Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 3rd Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 4th Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Four jerrycans Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 5th Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Five piston rings Four jerrycans Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 6th Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Six tracks a laying Five piston rings Four jerrycans Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 7th Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Seven DUKW's a swimming Six tracks a laying Five piston rings Four jerrycans Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC
  12. Thats a blow. Sorry to hear about that. However, having now further imbibed of the Christmas spirit I extend good will to all men (with the exclusion of your council) and have decided to compose the 1st HMVF Christmas carol - "The twelve days of Jacks Christmas". Actually i will not be able to finish it this evening, so i will start off and you can add to it as you see fit. On the 1st Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me An axle for a GMC On the 2nd Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 3rd Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 4th Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Four jerrycans Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC On the 5th Day of Christmas Rex Ward sent to me Five piston rings Four jerrycans Three ammo tins Two new tyres and an axle for a GMC Right, we have to do six through to twelve. Any suggestions anybody? And i am really truly sorry to hear about your flat. Tim (too)
  13. I took my daughters out shopping today, and I was quite suprised to see a full Santas grotto in action. My daughters (unsuprisingly) failed to take up the option of paying £3.50 to sit on a strangers lap in the dark while he bestowed a present upon them. Rather dissapointingly, Santas little (and rather attractive) helper failed to take up the offer of sitting on my lap in the dark while i bestowed a suprise upon her (and i was going to pay her £3.50 for the privellage). I am now at my parents house drinking Scrumpy Jack and cautiously wondered if anybody else was feeling the Christmas spirit as well? Tim (too)
  14. Pickfords finest hour. We should re-enact that. Tim (too)
  15. It is OK, they are only flat at the bottom. I must admit that i spent ages looking at the first photo trying to work out what was wrong with it. Tim (too)
  16. Is that you John? Tim Gillies has started restoring his, but i dont know if he has looked at is clutch yet. Tim, what state is your clutch in? Tim (too)
  17. Is there a way of recovering the chassis number off of a vehicle? This one has been oblitereated. On CSI i saw someone pour an acid on to an obliterated gun serial number and then using some special chemical managed to get the number visible again. Any thoughts, or is this just Hollywood magic? Tim
  18. We just had a collection and whip round at our North Oxfordshire & Cotswolds MVT meeting. We raised just over £80 which i will be sending on shortly. My thanks to everyone there. Tim (too)
  19. It might be a Semovente. My first reaction was Fiat Ansaldo. What a beauty though. Tim (too)
  20. Thats the fellow. Now that would be good fun at Beltring. You would need a whole lot of bicycle spokes to recreate that. Back to the grand panjandrum, wasnt there one on Dads Army? What was the episode called, as i cant find it on Youtube. Tim (too)
  21. Man sentenced to 12 Months for stealing RBL collecting box. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/oxfordshire/7752676.stm Good job to. I hope he has an unpleasant stay. I like to feel that the convicts have their own internal justice system for people like this. Tim (too)
  22. Fantastic journey. Thanks for sharing it. Hey, anybody thought of doing something similar like driving across Africa in a Landrover. That would make a good story. Tim (too)
  23. And in case someone does not know what a Grand Panjandrum is here is a link (rather ridiculously described as "British war time follies") to a clip of one being tested. The clip also has the rather exciting "Aquatow" and the rockets used instead of parachutes to slow down supplies dropped out of aeroplanes. Admittedly, the last one was not as succesful as it could be. It appears that in testing the supply container hit the ground with the aerodynamics of a small house which then ignited the rockets, causing it to fly back up into the air again. Worth watching Tim (too)
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