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Great War truck

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Everything posted by Great War truck

  1. The expression nail and head spring to mind. "if we all want it to be true that much, then surely it must become true". Tim (too)
  2. With the price of crude at $43 a barrel, i wonder if this will ever be followed through. Very interesting though. Tim (too)
  3. Very exciting stuff. I look forward to seeing how this progresses. I went to the Allis Chalmers tractor factory in Springfield IL (where i understand some of these were built). it is now a big open site with a train track running through. Nice bar across the road though. Tim (too)
  4. I dont believe this for one moment. So full of holes and the more they say the more unbelievable it becomes. Assembled slat grilled Jeeps that failed quality control still in use 40 years later! Sorry, at the time if any Jeep failed quality control they would fix it, not leave it in some underground factory. Anyway, the Jeeps came over partially knocked down so any quality control issues should be fixed quite easily. The Jeeps could have been assembled there, but i think it very unlikely. Seems a lot of trouble to go to haul them that far to assemble them. My Grandfather assembled Jeeps during the war at Bristol docks and that i would imagine would be the most sensible place to assemble PKD vehicles. How about this bit, it is laughable: "The rebuild plant at Rudloe operated in a section of the huge underground quarries at Corsham in Wiltshire and produced thousands of jeeps in the war - saving priceless shipping space on the North Atlantic convoys. The Jeeps produced at Corsham are today much prized by military vehicle enthusiasts as they contain many features not found on the US built versions including soft seats, cigar lighters, starters that work all the time and windscreens that don't have a horizontal bar at exactly eye level". Ok, who has seen a Jeep with a cigar lighter, a starter that works all the time and a horizontal bar at eye level - does he mean windscreen wiper? The photograph of US troops on manouver in 1948 looks more like a "War on the Line" event to me. Explains why there are what appears to be British Tommys and what looks like some Germans in the photo as well. I presume that is supposed to be a censors mark in the corner. Never seen one in black before and certainly not what appears to be marker pen. Were any US combat troops based in the UK in 1948, and in particular paratroopers.? The rumours of a strategic reserve have been around for years and although i would like to believe it, on the basis of the evidence before me i can not. And scrapping 160 steam locos as late as 1982. Quite absurd. Anyway, that is my view. happy to discuss it with anyone who disagrees. Tim (too)
  5. Didnt realise that you lived so close Paul. I should be coming with John, John and John (no i really will), and if things go according to plan a very big lass called Lindy Lou and her pet Python. Tim (too)
  6. Mmmm, maybe. But it wont fit in the garage and you know what my neigbours are like.
  7. Interesting photos John. Our FWD did not have these rims on it. They dont seem to secure anything so what are they for? The electrolysis method seems to be working for you, although it leaves a very nasty mess. How do you get rid of that? So when you applied the scaffolding pole to the nuts on the rim, did the whole wheel spin around as well? Thanks for posting Tim (too)
  8. Oh yes. Now i would like one of those. Tim (too)
  9. I think it was. I will have to check, but certainly from up North. Tim (too)
  10. I have a picture somewhere. it will be in crayon, is that ok? Tim (too)
  11. Yes, i have to leave home at 2:30! Nevermind. I am looking forwards to enjoying the company on the flight (well probably). Tim (too)
  12. Oh yes. One of our other Area members bought himself a very nice Christmas present. Dinger also has one, but it is in bits. I have never seen it. Tim (too)
  13. You mean i didnt have to drive all the way to bloomin Stansted!!!! Now he says. Tim (too)
  14. Nice to see Julian. That gives our area three half tracks now. Tim (too)
  15. You missed a marketing opportunity there Enigma. Hang on, i will see if i can get it back for you. I understand that recovery drivers had special markings on their helmet. The armoured division that they were attached to on the front and the registration of their truck on the side. On the inside is the Health and Safety warning "Will not protect your head if standing underneath a suspended tank and the cable snaps - you have been warned". There, we will see if he orders one from you now. Tim (too)
  16. That is amazing. Just out of curiosity, whereabouts in Iraq? Tim 9too)
  17. Ok. I knew that it wouldnt take long, but there is an M38 for sale on E bay now for $59,900. Take a look at: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Willys-M38-M-P-Jeep-Restored-Authentic-1952-Willys-M38-Military-Patrol-Jeep_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a10Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1308QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem280303281287QQitemZ280303281287QQptZUSQ5fCarsQ5fTrucks Madness. Where are these idiots with such money? (And how do i become one?). Tim (too)
  18. just watched the film "The eagle has landed". lots of m20's in there. So, i would say that as long as you are re-enacting that film, then the carrying of an M20 is quite correct. Maybe also Battle of the Bulge. Tim (too)
  19. $104,500 for an M38 is insane. A fool and his money are soon parted it seems. Tim (too)
  20. Yes, i remember that now. I knew that i had seen something similar before. Tim (too)
  21. Where was that taken? Afghanistan? Tim (too)
  22. Very well written and interesting. I note that the chap re-enacting a combat photographer is carrying a 45. Were photographers ever armed? Tim (too)
  23. Here is an interesting photo i came across on the GWF: http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=113446&hl=salonika Scroll down to the bottom and you will see a hut clad in unfolded petrol tins. I would suggest that as we have enough of these between us we could replicate it on the club house. Tim (too)
  24. I think you need to ask yourself whether it is not what Jack can do for the French, but what can the French do for Jack. I appreciate that the French writing their magazines in French is dashed inconvenient of them, but if you read aloud and shout you will be able to understand it all. Tim (too)
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