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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Ok I'll go through them again & post what I find.
  2. Chris there are a few more WS references that extend over to a new page that I could put up, wasn't sure if there was an appetite for them.
  3. Normally when I look at the Military shelves in a second hand bookshop it is saturated with recent accounts of the SAS. The last time I went into that particular Oxfam bookshop I noticed all those books were now on the Fiction shelves :-D
  4. I am sure I have a reel of the two sizes & the matching studs, as I would have held a bit back for the Shorland. I did have several dozen reels as I got them from a scrapyard who only processed metal & anything plastic was a nuisance & given away. I hung on to that lot for years, but as I say with no interest when selling off my excess stuff the majority was chucked away :cry:
  5. This is the Glover Webb APV (Armoured Patrol Vehicle) that was replaced by CAV100 (Snatch). Asset Code 1722-4100 Truck, Armoured Patrol, 4x4, Land Rover 110 (V8), Heavy Duty Availability of spares would not be helped by Glover Webb being taken over by Alvis & then the factory on the Hamble was shut down & Tactica production with it.
  6. Yes I know exactly what you mean, it is very 50s-60s. It was used in my cipher office & Shorland. There were at least two sizes, it could the screwed/riveted to a surface or could be used free standing to bunch cables with small plastic studs. I had a lot of reels of both sizes. When I downsized this year, nobody seemed interested in it so it got chucked. But I should have a reel of each size that I saved, so when I find them I could spare some bits for you.
  7. Contract 6/V/23019 Code 2085.0171 18 CE 55 - 18 CE 94 1958
  8. It is not in the list of motor cycles in the Equipment Regulations 1955 nor in the amendments of 1967.
  9. Although not necessarily green there was 2085.0171 Truck, Fire Fighting, 3 Ton, 4x4, Bedford RL (original code 334237.61.360) & a fire fighting water tanker to match 2090.1171
  10. Simon yes that certainly was the original purpose. But I recall several cables in my WW2 Tabby set up used these clips to group the free standing cables together, I assumed they were original but can't be certain.
  11. These I would think: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-electricians-metal-Buckle-Clips-x-67-boxed-3-sizes-Building-vehicle-OB-/272397925276?hash=item3f6c2e7b9c:g:sIgAAOSwmfhX5~T1
  12. It seems to have taken most of the day to get them scanned & uploaded (sometimes as slow as 10kps). Got in a mess trying to get them in sequence, so labelled them & uploaded again so I think now they are in the right order. Hope they are of interest, but at least this is first hand info not just someone's opinion from a book or a web page.
  13. Richard I'll try & scan all the vehicular entries that includes the Mechanization Board that replaced the Mechanical Warfare Board in April 1934.
  14. Richard thank you. One could have illuminating posts just following one particular subject, I've just tried to give a spread. But there are significant entries on Cyprus, Balkans, Trans-Jordon etc. These may have been the inter-war years but they were not years of peace. The entries on the disarmament conferences & Germany's approach after the withdrawal of BAOR (the first one) are all clues as to what was to come.
  15. Enjoying teasing out nuggets of history from these Chronologies. I already have similar for 1858 to 1912, the new acquisitions are for 1925 to 1936. None of these should be dismissed because they do not cover a World War, as one travels forward through them one can sense a feeling that preparations for something that was brewing were being made & the War Office were not totally unprepared. I have selected just one extract from each year to give a flavour of changes & have placed them in chronological order.
  16. I'm not familiar with the electrics of a Hotchkiss. But most distributor capacitors are in the region of 0.2mfd. So I would suggest any capacitor that fits in the space that is designed for a distributor & is new should do fine. If you want me to test any then send them to me with a SAE.
  17. Also bear in mind there is DOT 5.1 that is compatible with DOT 4, but not DOT 5 http://www.epicbleedsolutions.com/resources/faq/difference-between-dot4-and-dot51-brake-fluid/
  18. Ok thanks for that. 15 BK 18 was sold off on 27/7/67 for £70. So it must have been quite a good one, although now it has lost the original wings (& headlights)
  19. Ok never mind. They sent me a picture some time ago but it doesn't include the registration, just like to keep tabs on the survivors. I shouldn't think the sea air has done it any favours. I used live across Torbay in Teignmouth, I can remember as a small boy exploring a large gun in place on The Ness headland.
  20. Oh excellent, I did help them out with a track rod end some years ago. Have you got any pictures of it you could share please? Or at least the reg I know it is 15 BK ??
  21. If I may add to this, my catalogue has been annotated on page 44 with a few prices paid. 639 £620 642 £500 650 £320 658 £540
  22. Do they still have the Mk 1 Humber Pig I wonder? It only shows up on one photo: http://www.brixhambattery.net/413614133
  23. Hmm yes waiting to see who would spot that one! Ok done it now thanks
  24. email sent, do you now want to edit out your email address from the post to avoid it being harvested?
  25. Doug I don't actually watch the arena display, I find access to view the reserve collection up close is of more interest to me. But most of the arena vehicles (preserved or in-service) can be viewed up close during certain periods. I take a vehicle to display & find that the public IQ is pretty high compared to the average vehicle/steam show, I suppose the entry fee is something of a filter.
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