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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Robert thanks for the pictures, they're coming along. I've got various publications for 1 Ton Trailer I'll look up. I used have one with a Cipher Office body that I towed behind my FV1620 as that didn't have much sleeping room. I had a FV1601 that faded away although it was bought as a donor vehicle. Here is the Commer book. Unlike British Army User Handbooks that required a Servicing Schedule, this civilian publication combines both. The scan is rather poor but the lower line states FV1601 & 250 presumably the number printed.
  2. Robert welcome, good to hear of more Humbering activity. I think I have seen you post on MLU, in fact there seems to be more Humber (or more correctly Commer) activity over there than there is in the UK. Any pictures?
  3. Ok Jack I know, the President Elect has asked you to run his business empire whilst he is presidenting?
  4. That was a nice sensible on-line form, with a space for comments/requests & even a "sleep in MV" option that few show entries provide.
  5. Dave the sort of documents that are definable would be: FVRDE/MVEE Specifications, I have quite a lot of these but none that cover what you are after. Equipment Management Policy Statement/Letter/Directive, I have quite a lot of these but none that cover what you are after. Defence Council Instructions. Sometimes things of relevance are covered briefly. I have complete sets of DCI(Army) for 1970 & DCI(General) for 1970 (partial set for 1968). But no DCI(RAF) for those years. Were they all RAF contracts?
  6. We owe him a lot in the Land Rover & MV world. When Brian last attended a Dunsfold show 4 years ago or so he didn't look too well & didn't seem very mobile. But I'm glad I had the gumption to go up & thank him for his help to me in the early days. He got me my first Lightweight & was very helpful to a novice. I doubt that he remembered me that didn't really matter, but I'm glad I spoke to him. I remember my mother would always remind me that death was like a door slamming & after that it is no good wishing you had said things when it is too late.
  7. If you ever decide to put it into that role I have the full instructions down to the last nut & bolt well actually it was mainly wood screws, I think 60 of them. The whole installation would take 48 manhours I think, but that was with the full ready cut out kit. Never seen an in-service picture of one but there it is in the EMER. It was wise to plan ahead but as it turned out this was a slight underestimation of the needs, even so they were still selling off Humbers in 1971!!
  8. John yes it would look superb. Imagine taking it to a show where it would be looked upon with disdain & declared shear fantasy! The EMER was issued in May 1969 & I suspect it was in response to anxieties about violence from some quarters with the rise on interest in NI civil rights movement. So the Army would have some IS vehicles in readiness if things got out of hand.
  9. A couple of things. I always used to think that the prefix "P" in a CES meant provisional, but that is no so, it is the production CES. It might just as well be because this is not the Service CES of which there will be a Simple CES & sometimes a Complex CES if it forms part of another equipment. To have have quite a different Production CES from the Service (Simple) CES suggest it had quite a different role. I just wonder were there any old screw holes in the wood or any covered covered over welds above & below all of the windows? Some Travellers were fitted with diamond mesh expanded steel internal security screens over all the windows & headlights. This was in 1969, this was not Op Banner but predated it by 3 months! The CES for such a conversion would list those items. Do you think yours might have had such a conversion maybe?
  10. The problem with all hobby magazines is whether to cater for the established enthusiast or pad out editions to attract new people to the particular hobby with "guide to" articles. This has the advantage of drawing in new people to the hobby who may feel out of their depth reading articles of great technical merit & putting them off the hobby & more importantly from being a subscriber. When I used to buy amateur radio magazines they were swamped with things on resistor colour codes, guide to amateur band frequencies, guide to simple aerials, guide to buying (not building) your first rig. All this stuff could be found out by reading books or joining a club and now these days on the internet. So I can see the need for attracting new people to join a hobby as fresh blood will be needed to keep the hobby alive. But for that reason I don't buy any of these magazines nowadays.
  11. Joe further to our PMs I'll post this here so anyone watching might have ideas on it as well. There seem to be 2 & 3 terminal versions of RRC7310. In this thread there is reference to the 3-terminal version being the military one. http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic33707.html I just wonder whether the middle terminal is the junction of the two main elements? So that 24v is fed into each end of the elements (in series) but in a 12v set up the the end terminals are joined together & fed with one supply & the over to the middle terminal so that the elements are in parallel?
  12. I see on the page you have posted it gives the DMC as 7XD. You must have a later edition than mine which is the 2nd edition that gives it a 7RU hence my comments on my last post.
  13. Do you want the heated windscreen circuit diagram fig 31 of 2320-D-128-302? I can email it or is that what you have already? I have the complete 302 (with all diagrams). It seems to receive the full 24v supply, which is a worry I can understand. Curiously this RRC7310 has the DMC of 7RU rather than 7XDW. This suggests it was a pre-existing item for non-Wolf Defenders, I wasn't aware that any of them having a 24v automotive system that would have had such a screen.
  14. That is correct but originally you said
  15. 2320-D-128-721 is the military designation of the commercial parts list 2320-D-128-711 is the military parts list which gives RRC8700 I don't have 721 but I have the Land Rover Defender catalogue STC9038FF & this also gives RRC8700
  16. Yes but what is the full title of your parts book & its reference number? Is it a Rover or a military publication?
  17. That's odd the EMER WV P310 gives the CES as Army Code No. 34173
  18. You have the wrong part number. What you need is RRC8700 for TUL(HS) & TUM(HS) which is 24v What you have is RRC7310 for TUL & TUM which is 12v
  19. John the last time I went there was many years ago when they had some wheeled armour outside the museum. Sadly that has long since gone, the Pig is in IoW I believe. I hope they still have a Vigilant on display, when I went they had no controller for it so I did a swap with something so they had controller for it.
  20. John I had thought about that, but at the time there was an enormous number of products that I had to leave out, otherwise it would have just been a rehash of Issues of Def Stan 01-5. That page was from the current one, I have most of them including Issue 1 also the Defence Guide DG-12 series that predated Def Stans. There is so much that has to be left out. But might be worth including any products that people flag up as being of interest.
  21. The sleeves are here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Army-Land-Rover-Wolf-Hardtop-Sleeve-Cover-Inlet-Output-Port-TITHONUS-/272430056039?hash=item3f6e18c267:g:M~oAAOSwRJ9XhgkB and the covers here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Land-Rover-Defender-Wolf-Hard-top-Replacement-sleeve-lid-x-2-NIB-/311733633451?hash=item4894c5c1ab:g:qXkAAOSwHMJYGy7W
  22. Jim although I sold my Vigilants, bins, tripod, controllers etc some years ago I still have a few curiosities that I have hung onto. Two silver-plated Vigilants 3" long that were mounted on ashtrays to give to defence ministers at arms fairs, an instructors book (civilian one predating any MOD publications), the illustrated design publication before it was named Vigilant & I think I have one sighting monocular. If you are googling also look for "Vigilante" this is the wrong name but often gets misnamed as that. Just as my Shorland gets wrongly called a Shortland or a Shoreland, ggrrrr
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