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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Glad to hear it A&R, you don't want to be decorating & all that sort of thing when there are shows & sunshine(?) to be enjoyed.
  2. Philip of Dunsfold Land Rovers has a collection, he is forum member. The only other collector I know is John Mastrangelo of Champ fame, if you Google for Champ you'll no doubt find a link to him somehow.
  3. Yes I think so, not the first time he's been taken in like that, far too trusting:-)
  4. I think you've been 'had' Degsy. Someone emailed me that one this morning:-) http://www.hoax-slayer.com/budweiser-frogs.html
  5. I would run your fridge from gas. A fridge will flatten your battery quite quickly. Even if you have a solid state cooler box it is quite greedy & only really suited when the battery is being charged when you're on a run.
  6. John I like the sound of the silver, but I'm afraid the collection starts at Sale No. 37 in July 1957.
  7. Yes they are collected, I have about 120. There was actually a sale on that, but I can't see it listed. Although it was the second day of the sale & m/cycles usually are booked for the first day. I've looked up from that date until 8/9/10 Aug 1978 & can't find it. Are you sure of that date? or maybe it wasn't Ruddington, maybe it went through OSDD Branston or struck off in BAOR?
  8. Chris. These things on the Pig wires are narrow yellow bands with black printing from A-Z & 0-9. Each band has the chraracter repeated about 3 times above each other. I don't think they are heat shrink ones. I have the 3-prong pliers for putting various bands on cables & wires, which I assume are used for these. Obviously they don't look quiet as nice as the original ones. But would be nice to have a starter kit & do a bit of relabelling! When I did last look for that sort of thing all I colud find were big kits costing £100s.
  9. I've noticed on some Pigs that have served in NI, the labels must have split or become illegible or the wire has been replaced, that the wire has been marked by individual alphabetical rings. A kit of the yellow rings would come in handy for other vehicles, but I've never seen them available in small quantities. Anyone know of a source?
  10. fv1609


    This was an in service bodge on the rear cross member of my Rover Ambulance. There was some thin sheet tack welded & painted over, must have been done a year or two before it was struck off. These are the bits that came off.
  11. fv1609


    Here it is 5C/3157 in box 5C/3199.
  12. fv1609


    Mal, thats an RAF Vocabulary item. I think was probably for use with an IFF beacon. I had a similar RAF item, but no power source. I'll see if I've got a picture. Can you post a picture of what you have there?
  13. fv1609


    Almost as unlikely as this:
  14. The only publication I can find listed is: Truck, Utility, Command Post, GMC 2320-D-150-601 Maintenance Schedule That is the only AESP listed. I've got a feeling User Handbook, IPC etc were published as Army Coded publications as they were essentially commercial publications just relabelled for MOD use. I'll carry on looking. PS. Oh I forgot the driver's door.
  15. Yes I have, but also some 432s like you've never seen before with markings & bogus equipment to depict the "Fantasian Army". That would get some raised eyebrows! But they would just have to lower them again when you show them the pics of what you modelled it on. What about a RUC pig as another project, lots of pitfalls there for the unwary!
  16. Roy, my fault I mixed two different topics in the same paragraph. The starter motor problem is in a Wolf. The reference to Sankey, was to the GKN Sankey, fitting instructions for the various versions & modifications to make HVPK covering 155 pages down to the last nut & bolt.
  17. Bear in mind that the cutout speed marked on the rotor arm is the speed of the distributor, which is half the engine speed.
  18. HPVK? I don't think I said that. Although I made typo with HV VPK it is of course HVPK. I have a copy of a letter from HQNI 9/7/81 headed "LANDROVER 3/4 TON GS HV PROTECTION KIT". I'll come back on other things later, trying to mend a starter motor. But I do have benefit of the Sankey fitting instructions & parts list.
  19. I would check the gaps on your points, maybe the heels that rub on the distributor shaft are begining to wear & your gap is closing. Also check your condensor is still 100% perfect.
  20. Further to Q1. By Aug 1986 the winterised HVPK (1709-3100) was already obsolete & the normal HVPK (1710-3100) was obsolescent & projected date to be obsolete April 1990
  21. Roy, not really my thing. Rather than try to answer them all here are a few answers I'm confident about. 1. The original VPK for 3/4 Ton was I think was designated GRP Kit DON/130. The Sankey design for upgrade of this to FV984569 (ie HV VPK) was issued in Nov 1980. A major upgrade with new side doors & front protection plates is dated March 1982. 2. Correct, owners fancy I think. 4. Just chance I think, some VPK panels may have come from different vehicles. 6. No, owners fancy I think. I've seen the one you mean. 7. Neither, NATO Green 8. By that you mean Glover Webb APV? Not sure need to check that out.
  22. Have a looks at Roy's Mk2 Pig model. Looks pretty good to me. http://www.warwheels.net/Model_HumberFlyingPig_Kinsella.html
  23. Jim I see you got a range of readings on G, M & Q. I have just been powereing up the two panels I have here with similar strange results for those ones when using a digital meter. I don't have a 90A installation, I was just powering them from the main chokes, so I have no voltage coming through the charge warning light supply. Yet that point = G was giving various readings! M is straight through connection, but has no connections to it either end of it after it leaves the box. Q is the supply for the battery relay that comes as an independant output from the generator. That was neither revolving nor plugged in, yet it was giving readings! None of those gave a steady ready of anything even with the prods not touching anything there is this annoying 'hunting' by the meter giving a gibberish display. Connecting it to those points there was a little bit more consistency but still nothing at all stable. I was still getting these readings with no power to the panel! Putting on, what I call a proper meter, an Avo 7 there was no reading at all, which as one would expect. So unless the digital display remains stable it is just gabbling away to itself. I think the reason that it became marginally more stable was that it was charging up a bypass capacitor that is present in the wiring of each of those test points. I would have thought in this day & age it might be conceivable to develop a meter that only displayed a reading when there was something there to read, rather than make meaningless random displays with the meter prods not touching anything. So I have dusted down my Avo 7 & going to do the same to my Avo Multiminor & that isn't quite so heavy to carry in a vehicle.
  24. Having got similar results with another panel it seems extraordinary that all 8 diodes should be defective. The penny has just dropped. I should have used my Avo not a stupid digital meter, because on the resistance range they don't provide enough forward bias for the diode to conduct. One digital meter I have does have a diode function & does bias the diode giving forward voltage drop reading in millivolts. But surprisingly my fancy LCR meter does not. So back to Avo & that doesn't jump around displaying gibberish when it has nothing to measure like these digital things!
  25. Sorry I see didn't actually answer your question, in fact I didn'r read it properly. I write dyslexically but I also read things incorrectly. :red: I've never seen a white front diff nor any instructions relating to it. I don't know what that's all about.
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