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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. I contacted Preston some days ago. The matter is due to be discussed at the MVT CoM meeting on Sunday.
  2. I would replace the other side & do the job properly. Several reasons: Just think how mad you will be if you have to dismantle that side in the future. If you are lucky & it doesn't let you down, just consider the difficulty you have had undoing this side. Just think how much more difficult it will be with a bit more corrosion just on the exposed threads. If you need to reface the manifold you have got off, there will be a bit of a discrepancy with the depth on the other one. So best to reface that one a little whether it needs it or not so they are balanced. You'll be glad when you've done both sides & it will be an investment for the future as you'll no doubt be using that anti-seize stuff & you will have peace of mind from a job done well.
  3. Doug maybe one of these would help to find out if they are as bad as you think. There are 3 on ebay at the moment, but watch out for postage as they are pretty heavy. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FERODO-TAPLEY-BRAKE-TESTING-METER-MOT_W0QQitemZ320480576063QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Diagnostic_Tools_Equipment?hash=item4a9e21823f
  4. Oh yes, when it reached £500 it just jumped to £1,000 in one bid. The last increase was by £300. When it started at 99p, I posted that I thought it was likely to go over £2k. So who knows what it will be with over 5 days to go!
  5. Tappet clearances are in the Ferret User Handbook as well.
  6. Well done Doug a good job done then, particularly as it's not ideal workshop weather. Is it nice & firm to the foot now? Remember of course when you have some vacuum it's easier for the pedal to get pushed down a bit further.
  7. Been looking for this classic work, at the right price, for a while now. Worth a read giving an overview of the administration of war from 1066 to 1934.
  8. It might be covered in paint but most engines will have a small plate on the rocker cover giving the tappet clearances. The exhaust is 0.015 in (0.381 mm) Well done on shifting that.To clean up the studs I find a good way to hold a die in place is to clamp it with a Jubilee clip then you've got something to grip.
  9. Pro-active policing, something like this:
  10. The benefit of the existing fasteners is that, unlike a normal nut, they incorporate a shaft presenting the nut faces near to the end of the stud. This makes it more accesible to various spanners that might be used. You could get around this by cutting some tube to make spacers. But then the length of engagement of the stud thread is greatly reduced. On occasions where I have graunched the faces of the fastener I have carefully recreated the flats by filing. Doing so that it will engage with a smaller sized spanner. If your are using a box spanner this will make it much easier to engage the head as the lower part of the manifold gives only slight clearance.
  11. Mark, well I have now got the replacement ebay bits & they work! I slightly resent having to send the £2.50 for postage for another one to be sent. But they say I can keep the defective one. If I returned the original it would have cost me that in postage as I would have sent it recorded delivery, as looking at their -ve feedback they don't seem to receive the faulty goods returned by customers! Now the two IDE drives work, I always thought one had died. So I have found the old PC that they came out of gathering cobwebs in a stable. I have fitted in the RAM & some connectors I had pinched & intend to power this up. The good thing is that the W98 on this has a disc & licensed for this machine. When it died 5 years ago I wasn't so "adventurous" fiddling inside them so nothing to lose having a go. Is the identity of a PC provided by the motherboard or is it in the windows that is installed? So I now have 3 PCs in here with bits hanging out - even more chaotic than usual. I still need to retrieve more from my defective SATA drive. In the meantime on this machine I have installed Acronis True Image as back up. Last night I thought I created a back up in an external drive & it flashed & buzzed for 2 hours, only to find all it has done was to create a back up folder that is completely empty!
  12. A bit slow this morning. 30 BK 47 was built as a FV1602 Chassis No. 33047 Engine No. 8402 DIS 5/4/55 Receipt Voucher CBR/R/37 Converted to FV1612 1958-60 Converted to Mk 2 Op Bracelet 1972-3 Coverted to Pig Squirt 1976 Struck off to Jacksons Ltd, Doncaster Unfortunately no picture, the nearest I have is 30 BK 43.
  13. Paul, I've already filled out my entry ready to post! Looking in the Green Sheet I could not see any sign of a MVT National Show (nor W&P come to that) so that can only swell your numbers in June.
  14. E.A.R.P. Equipment Anti Riot Projector for mounting four baton guns. Later also used as delivery outlets for Pig Squirt.
  15. 23 Base Workshops in Wetter closed 31 March 1994.
  16. Yes out of my league I'm afraid. I'm still licking my wounds after being set up for £100 on a 1960s RUC forage cap, which wasn't all that it seemed.:-(
  17. There are some knowlegeable contributors who have put articles on here: http://www.karkeeweb.com/index.html#home
  18. Mark this predates the Free State when the territory was still part of the Empire! I think it must have been an awe inspiring sight to see a mounted troop with their sabres & revolvers at the ready. I certainly might inspire the confidence of the law abiding population over here even today! There was a 1905 helmet like this, in not such a good condition, that appeared on ebay last year with a buy in now for £2,750. It was re-advertised & went for £1,750 I think.
  19. I was delighted to find this RIC helmet on ebay for 99p. But just look at the bidding history going up in leaps & bounds. We are still more than 9 days from the end. I can see this going well over £2k. This seller has a lot of other RIC kit, all quite mouth watering. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140377823980&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  20. There are over a dozen EMERs & chapters devoted to the preservation of engines of various kinds, vehicle, electrical & hydraulic assemblies. These include not just the various agents used in the preservation & methods of application but the packaging to maintain this protection & importantly the identification of the items. These Regulations are contained in EMER WORKSHOPS N 111 - N 114. The depreservation & commissioning of engines is covered in N 121. It would be far too much to post up, but here is the introduction of Chapter 1 amended up to 1985.
  21. This is how vehicle recovery & repair would have happened in 1967. The actual procedures are laid down in EMER MANAGEMENT F 110 - F 120.
  22. Yes looking very smart now, so you'll have replace the other leads as well! I was going to comment that your heat shield was missing, but I am reassured to see it is the paperweight in the second picture. Nice to see the real gskets rather than the Vangaurd ones! I see you have the early manifolds that are sided as they have the casting for mounting the heat sheild. Can be easier to reassemble or although a pain if the bolt is seized in there with no nut to shift on the other end.
  23. Mark I retrieved about 50 proper pictures from all that lot. But there are some pictures someone emailed me I cannot find so I think not all of the drive has been scanned. I followed that link & installed it. It found 91 file type errors, I had to register then I found I had been led to a checkout. So I've withdrawn. But now it has but a red shield, like a Microsoft one, down on the lower RHS. It regularly makes a pop noise & a balloon warns me of the dire consequences of having unreadable file types in my system. So is there any of it that was free other than the download or have I downloaded the wrong thing? But I think probably uninstall it. Tomorrow, I use the other file recovery mechanism to see what that can unearth.
  24. Richard I was thumbing through that one as well anyway that saved me thumbing any further. Gary, apart from the usual REME Manual & REME Training Manuals, I have for desert warfare Unit Standing Orders & Standing Operating Procedures for a Parachute Squadron RAC Workshop REME This is Issue No.1 Copy No.1 & is indeed rare. Note that it says "a Parachute Squadron RAC" & it predates the formation of The Parachute Squadron RAC by one year. The expected field of conflict was of course the desert. I am convinced I have a more general document which the above was based on that was from procedures & organisational experiences of a REME Airborne Workshop in Palestine. I can't remember the exact title & I can't for the moment find it.
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