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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. I find the most sensible questions & observations come from women, people in wheelchairs, older children & teenagers. They will usually know nothing about the vehicle but usually seem to be very receptive. They appreciate someone explaining what it is all about. What impresses them the most is to see pictures of my Pig in action being stoned & petrol bombed, this gives them a tangible link to the past. The least sensible observations come from young adult males particularly in a group. With veterans the response is variable. Again there is more sense talked by an individual than sometimes from a group. The comment that puts me on edge when I display the Pig is "Oh yes I know all about these mate, the old Sarrycan"
  2. Paul perhaps you should join IMPS as well. They have meetings a bit nearer to you. http://www.imps.org.uk/sussex.html
  3. Terry I had one stuck several years ago. I just unscrewed it & pushed a narrow screwdriver down a few times. Screwed it back on, no need to bleed the brakes & has been working ever since.
  4. I don't know my way around a Saracen Terry but it looks like an oil cooler. I suppose follow the brake pipes from the master cylinder. Something I've just notice there are two types of switch. LV6/MT4/5930-99-804-9490 for OM13 fluid LV6/MT4/LU/31724(E) for OF24 fluid
  5. Terry assuming your EMEI(AUST) would have mirrored the EMER then it is hydraulic. It looks very similar to the switch used on the Humber servo. Unfortunately my facility to link an FV to NSN is down at the moment. But the Humber ones are available: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Military-vehicle-pressure-switch-FV-260898-/360581767845?pt=UK_Cars_Parts_Vehicles_Other_Vehicle_Parts_Accessories_ET&hash=item53f45922a5
  6. Richard I didn't see that commentary when I looked first time. Yes I was uneasy about the one I saw so didn't bother with a photo.
  7. There was one at the last Bunker Bash 3 years ago or so.
  8. Light Green/Brown feeds the turnlight switch but that comes from both the hazard switch & the flasher unit. The main feed for these is a Green wire that comes from the fuse panel at the second fuse in, if you take the first fuse in as the Green that goes to the fuel gauge.
  9. Welcome Tim, I suppose the next step into technology will be to get your father to come on here as well
  10. Ah yes I was forgetting that the wires would end up as an integral part of the connector. Presumably the LH on status ceases when you remove the flasher unit? In which case I would be suspicious of that.
  11. Both left turn lights are supplied by wires that are Green with Red trace. Disconnect it where it goes into the hazard warning switch & see if that stops the continuous LH on state. If it does disconnect Light Green with Brown trace from the hazard warning switch & connect it to the disconnected Green/Red If it cures it & the turn lights are now under the command of the turn switch then there is a fault in the hazard warning switch. If it doesn't cure it then there is a fault in the hazard warning/turn unit. That's assuming there has been no previous owner bodgery going on
  12. Welcome Allan. I think the best place for the sort of things you are after would be with Philip at Dunsfold Land Rovers: http://www.dunsfold.com/index.php
  13. Don't think these have been posted on here before. http://www.viralnova.com/hidden-german-bunker-gallery/?mb=out#previous http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2799164/the-real-lives-german-tourists-relive-communist-east-spending-night-stasi-bunker-basic-training-authentic-military-rations-escape-sauna-end.html
  14. Nope I enjoy it, very theraputic. Especially out of season. What I dread is driving on the motorway. Because: People can't grasp that you are not driving as fast as the general flow People joining the motorway these days feel they have the right (I believe drivers are taught to do this) to barge in & you have to lose your momentum or suddenly pull into the next lane. Limited vision may prohibit this & the knowledge that you will be trapped in the middle lane, unable to see with complete certainty that you can get back into the inner lane. There is a place that I dread on the M27 where it is 4 lanes then I have to get from lane 1 into lane 3 to continue east. This change over point is uphill, if I leave it too late they try not to let me in but if I move over to early then I am "punished" by HGVs who will drive on my tail trying to force me to go faster, which I can't. That's why it takes me twice as long to go to W&PR using minor A roads or B roads than the "easy access" motorway which is very frightening.
  15. Ole its on its way. So yours does look to be a Mk 2, but does it actually say that on the plate? Yours has a couple of key mods that differentiate it from Mk 1 (although the term Mk 1 seems not to have been originally used - like Series 1 Land Rovers are not stamped as "Series 1") Drawbar lifting handle added as urgent on safety grounds ( ie it was an EMER on blue paper) Aug 1981 Fixed eye warning plate again a blue EMER Dec 1983
  16. You need Army Code No. 61957 for the Illustrated Parts Catalogue this covers Mk 1 & Mk 2 in their separate chapters. There is much commonality between the two. Interestingly the two contracts for the Mk 1 are the same two contracts for Mk 2. This suggests to me that when the Mk 1 had all the required modifications applied it morphed into a Mk 2 designation. There were no Mk 2 trailers actually manufactured. PM me with you email address
  17. Welcome Andreas, I was wondering are there any preserved Humber Pigs over there? Roland used to have one but that is back in UK now.
  18. It should be straight forward, no hidden springs. I have the resistance readings & gaps etc. It is a bit confusing as Humber & Ferret used Box, Distribution No.1 Mk 1 and the Saracen spare parts list states it uses a Distribution Box No.1 Mk 1 this incorrect. The item used in Saracen was in fact Panel, Distribution No.1 Mk 1. This panel is more complex than the box as it houses three cut-outs not just two and it incorporates a battery isolation switch.
  19. The circuit breakers don't completely break the circuit I'm afraid! There is a winding permanently in circuit, in normal working the contacts are closed & short this out. In a sustained overload a bimetallic strip breaks the main circuit. The winding is energised & holds the contacts open until the load is removed & the strip cooled down. So maybe your contacts are corroded or the gaps need resetting?
  20. Richard you were correct that the flasher mods came out in the 1960s. The Saracen mods were in EMER WV V617 Mod No.76 & 79 1966 I have the mods in the EMERs for 48 types of vehicles in 1964-66 curiously these do not appear in the specific vehicle sections like Saracen but in the general section as supplements per vehicle in EMER WV A027. I have very few EMERs in WV V627 for Ferret. Although I have the detailed index A001 it lists 124 Ferret mods but unfortunately Mods 1-62 no longer describe their subject so as you say they must be long gone.
  21. If nobody can come up with the Ferret EMER, I do have the mod instructions with diagram for Saracen, which I think would be pretty similar.
  22. This EMER was first issued in July 1977 & superceded with an issue in May 1978. It is quoted for Helicopter Support Role (RM) but I am not clear whether this is the version of trailer to be modified or the status after it has been modified. The reason given is "to give greater flexibility in the tactical role" which isn't very helpful.
  23. There was a conversion to fit the installation in 3/4 Ton Trailers.
  24. I had the wrong engine number on the V5, just entered the correct number & was changed, didn't need any evidence.
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