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Everything posted by Willyslancs

  1. Anyone know anything about this ?(thought i would ask again).......
  2. Cheers mate , think the copper will be getting used ...........
  3. said not found when i just tried ........ Just tried again , in ..........
  4. Hi new member from north devon........................
  5. welcome along mate............:-D
  6. ye thats a thought mate , been in storage over 25 years .........
  7. Went along to Lytham , weather was brill, KMF went along too ,had a good day just chillin , the pioneer is a hmvf member also , two other jeeps were near the fake spitfire but not sure whose they were .There was also a few classic cars too . this event needs to be advertised better , it could be a good day , especially as its next to a main road . The traffic never eased up all day . Hope you didnt hold up any more funeral prossesions on the way home keith ..:drive:
  8. I got my last three bar treads for my M416 trailer ( arent they the same?) from dallas auto...........
  9. On tv now Quest channel (no 38) Le Salvager.. real nice Command car ...
  10. Looked like a bsa m20 (main road into Blackpool this afternoon). Chinook flying low over st annes beach yesterday.
  11. has anyone got any good pics of the fuel pump in situ that is mounted on the chassis about half way down.?cheers :cool2:
  12. welcome along Richard , from another N.W member........:wave:
  13. nice looking jeep going past Weeton army camp tonight (oh it was us !:whistle:)
  14. I believe the Blackpool Vehicle Preservation Group are having a gathering on the green at Lytham on monday next(25th). You can enter , but invited to just show up if you like .If your near , pop along its a nice place... http://www.bvpg.co.uk/ http://www.visitlythamstannes.co.uk/
  15. Willys/ford/hotchkiss jeep cruising at Fairhaven Lake this dinner time .................
  16. hope you get it sorted mate, we have had our carb in bits this weekend ,test run tomorrow night ..........
  17. After finding a few head gaskets today , i was wondering which is the better one to use . Either the copper one or a gray composite looking one ? Cheers guys :cheesy:
  18. Dragons teeth Keith near KEQM school............. Try here mate http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=dragon's+teeth&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-gb:IE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7HPEB_en&prmd=ivnsb&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=7OOpTdSzFIrNhAfPz_DjCQ&ved=0CDoQsAQ
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