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Everything posted by Willyslancs

  1. 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the austrian throne was assassinated with his wife by terrorist Gavrilo Princip , lighting the touch paper to the first world war . 1919 A peace treaty between German representitives and allied powers was signed in the palace of versailles , officially ending the first world war . 1930 Frank whittle (later sir) patented the jet engine .
  2. The Banjo bolts we have been waiting for came today from Kemper, all being well the brakes should be bled on wednesday.........
  3. whatever floats your boat i guess!!
  4. went today , no military ..if it wasnt for the 200+ minis that rolled up it would have been a poor show of vehicles ...........
  5. June 25th 1867 The first patent for Barbed wire was taken out by Lucien Smith of Kent Ohio ......
  6. Poss Chris tills from chipping ...........
  7. Body almost ready to drop back on the chassis , looking good ...................... (grille wanted pls)
  8. i see to remember my father telling me they did this at catterick, when he was there in about 63 when flattening parts of the old camp ....
  9. In this day and age with everyone trying to get your money , i just thought it was worth being careful .....
  10. the words " fraud attempt " made me wonder ...
  11. Had this today on the bottom of an e mail from Jeeparts , thought it might be worth mentioning.......... MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "www3.jeeparts.co.uk" claiming to be www.jeeparts.co.uk Anyone else had it ??
  12. Sorry to hear this , i didnt know the chap , but my thoughts go out to his family .............
  13. oshkosh was there yesterday mate , chevy was parked next to me .............
  14. cheers rosie . my daughters have been this afternoon . chillin now lol (calm after the storm!).....:nut:
  15. Cheers mate , did the landy go or was it a timewaster?.
  16. this was on a chevy today at Scorton...........
  17. Went along today,the rain stayed away , bit windy tho .Very good turn out of vehicles today (not just military ones ),stalls were bad ,not much on them,a lot were car boot type crap .Seems a bit steep at £9 each to get in. once you had been round once it got a bit boring , didnt help that you were not allowed to go till 5 :mad:. Anyway here are some pics........
  18. Why the other half insists on moving anything that is mine ,so i cant find it , yet her crap is everywhere !:mad:
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