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Everything posted by Willyslancs

  1. Not looking too bad !!! ............
  2. Willyslancs


    goodyear blimp due over fylde coast sunday afternoon i believe . something different i guess ....
  3. i know what you mean about young family ( having 5 in past ) it will get done eventually ! welcome aboard.......
  4. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?23829-Sunday-drive
  5. the sights you see when you havent got your gun!!............ all the best mate........
  6. hi , yes i think it was some metal my dad had in , i will ask him how its fixed when i see him next .the studs etc were mainly taken off old roofs regards Mark ....
  7. what other parts you getting rid of mate ?...........
  8. one pic showing the inside of the passsenger side door.............
  9. near stanley park (Sculpture by Thompson Dagnall)
  10. took advantage of people having a lie in and went out on our first run of the year, was very quiet, ..........
  11. spotted when surfing .........
  12. Sporting a wire cutter and an A frame...........
  13. for the unitiated ........(just some of the 150 or so in the collection)
  14. hi mate , we are working from some old knackered ones . some pics of the rear ones on flikr mate ..............
  15. cant remember his name mate , think he had the original handbook for it too , he wore glasses and had a beard if i remember correctly..........
  16. welcome mate , munga owner here ...............
  17. yep seen it mate , been 2 on there recently...........
  18. Rear doors coming along great ,(mainly made by hand ) they certainly look the part . check out Flikr........
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