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les freathy

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Everything posted by les freathy

  1. Nice shot of a K2 RAF electrical and instrument repair workshop
  2. CW think you will like this Champ photo with MPs in Germany cheers Les
  3. Now this is not the sort of thing you would want to carry out with a T, it would appear the load has shifted and landed on the ballast body. Painful
  4. Anyone tell me what a odel is, nice 1to1 belly buttons in the background
  5. Another three of the odel pioneer, Stephane to awnser your question i think it is 1/24 scale and scratch built
  6. This super large scale model was in the competition at Trucks and tracks
  7. Its been a while since i put up some model photos so heres two on the Staghound and a millitant
  8. A couple of shots of Tonys Pickfords T at the old premises of Channel Commercials, Tony that must have been at least 10 years ago if not more can you remember
  9. Niels its the FV 1200 prototype artillery tractor i am certain both were cut up back in the 1970s, crying shame as a surviver would have have been ultra rare
  10. Hmmmm interesting hope the seats are well padded, any comments
  11. I Love the parade ground photo reminds me of my pre teens looking through the fence at Lydd Camp
  12. Welcome Tim, good to see another Kent man here
  13. Forrests eh! i have a photo of that some where in use with the fair i will post it when i locate it, if i am correct the pioneer did not venture down to our part of the county but i belive it came down as far as Faversham and maybe ashford. John Forrest always supplied our yearly fair and has done so as far back as i can remember his main tractors in the 1950s were two Mack NM5 and a FWD COE 4x4
  14. Dont think i would fancy being a crew member of the two forward 105s on that lct did you notice the stores in the back of the Jimmys fly when they fired definatly a s--t your pants job
  15. Civilian T model 981 in use by a construction company i believe in Aus, this one has been converted to a semi trailer set up. I cant make out the lettering or the door motif so prehaps one of the guys on the forum from down under can help cheers Les
  16. I have no idea who owns this Ben Hur with generator but i expect some one will enlighten us, photos taken a few years ago at Beltring
  17. This one turned up at maidstone based recovery garage Gatwoods in Chatham road back in the 1970s, ex Swiss army it appeared to be in excellent condition and i presume for conversion to a recovery vehicle
  18. Dont remember where i found this pic but a cracking shot of a Explorer and good views of the extended stowage boxes
  19. Correct on that its a 71/2 ton 6 wheel Crane and i think a Cat D6 on board and my data puts it at between 7.5 and 8 tons depending on attachments so the trailer would be capable but on the limit
  20. Great stuff Richard looks like local Maidstone based lorry used to recover her so presume you found her in the county i note the modified wind screen but cant recall seeing this truck out as a recovery in the long past was she a Kent based recovery when in use and finally will you be restoring her back to a transporter or a civvy based as seen cheers Les
  21. A few more photos of the K6 Coles crane, all photos from the Polish Institute
  22. As i picked up the box of photos to put them away this shot fell on the floor so here you are
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