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les freathy

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Everything posted by les freathy

  1. Had a quick look on this thread and found no ref to the Rolls armoured car so prehaps now is the time to start one with the attached images
  2. OK, i was not sure where to put this item but when we started the fund raising for the Normandy vets i promised to put a model up for auction to help raise a bit more for the pot. Attached are two photos of a 1/35 scale halftrack that can be auctioned. the succesful bidder will i presume send the mony direct to Jack as per the address in the site and depending on the location of the winner we can sort out delivery cheers Les
  3. Heres another view of a Australian Contractor, photo by Laurie Wright
  4. Amazing, post one gets lost post another you get two hopefully one will be removed meantime two from the Life archives
  5. interesting Australian Diamond T in post war service photo by Laurie Wright and 2nd transporting Grant tanks in WW2
  6. I think you are about right on the date Bob you gave me a couple of the shots you took, It seems a life time away when that old A20 by pass ran into the roundabout and then swung round to the left all now swamped by the M20 and tescos did you take any other shots
  7. Have to agree with those last comments lads, i never gave the armored car a thought but a lot seems to point that way
  8. The battle of Molash eh, i am sure i was there with Rob that day Richard as some where i have some B/W shots of the event. Interesting that he has a adaptor for his scanner to load slides i have one for slides and neqs but damned if i can fiqure it out i shall have to give him a ring to see hows its done afraid i find the quickest and easiest way to learn is parrot fashion the manuals are OK but have so much you dont really want in them its easy to lose track cheers Les
  9. Hmmm i would have thought its more on the lines of a 30cwt Morris CD 6x4
  10. Not to sure about the authenticy of the Foden FG in military colours, the dinky model was based on a protype tested by the army but not accepted i have a photo of it somewhere and will post when located. Regarding the Renault Magnum in Mikes post was it used by the british forces and if so for what purpose it must have been a one of if so
  11. Just turned the tele on this afternoon and caught the last 30 minutes of this film, its been around a long time but i have never bothered to watch it in the past. I caught the scene where they blow up the bridge but what was interesting were the enemy tanks which i take were supposed to be german and they consisited of a couple of U S light tanks the old combat cars of 1938 to 40 period and a couple of old WW1 French Renault tanks the latter in excellent and running order the others also in running order but slightly altered to suit the film. Am i right in thinking this is the WW1 period as the uniforms and guns seem to point this way or is it early WW2, it would appear that the scene is in Italy or one of the Balkan states but those tanks were amazing i wonder where they found them for the film and where they are now, any takers
  12. Thought we were in a tight credit crunch whos got the money to fly off the 3rd runway to be honest 99% are holiday makers and fewer of them can afford it these days so i think its a load of wind and piss by BAA especially when Manston and Lydd in my area have no work so transfer some of the smaller work to these airfields and the old crap about road net works to these is a thing of the past or a myth by those who wi**** to be. Wheres my golden steel toecap boot
  13. Or should i have said QUIKBILD, I BLAME THE FOG
  14. Heres a MK2A put to good use in the 1950s by Quickbuild, so whos going to give us some info on Quickbuild
  15. Number 83 it would appear is a converted 40 ton Dyson/crane tank transporter trailer originally built in WW2, some survived well into the 1950s and i would suspect this to be one of the demobbed trailers from that time
  16. Those VHE militants were used on the Thanet way project in Kent a few years ago, it was one of the sites on my round if i remember there were 2 tankers and a atlas crane flatbed
  17. Agree with you on that lads, these folk seem to live under the impression that the longer you keep said item the more its worth, maybe a little if its looked after but in the case of old vehicles sadly not and the annoying thing for us is to watch a vehicle fall apart in front of our eyes knowing someone would make the effort. Then if they have a brainstorm and decide to move it on its fallen to pieces and will take large amounts of mony to bring it back to spec and they still think its worth a pot of gold, ah well some strange folks about eh! Heres two photos i took back in the 1970s at the HCV run, this one was captured and i hope still around in as good condition now cheers Les
  18. Another photo of the water tanker, one from the old archive of Butterfield
  19. A post war Queen Mary on a RAF Bedford s type tractor at Steamer Point Aden
  20. Dont know where this is or when but thats a Scammell S24 coming up behind
  21. These may help Adam, two shots of restored examples and one in service in the 1950s
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