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Khaki Green No3 ?


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Took a gamble on a petrol Tank for my RE/C, although the tank is a CO one,  I was a bit apprehensive as there was a lot of rust but hard to tell in pics etc, It turned out not as bad as I expected and after a dip in the Electrolysis tank it is very solid, it had some bad pitting in a few area's but they have cleaned up well, after an initial dip the underside revealed two Khaki Greens, not sure if the pics will show whilst one has a yellowish tint, the coat over the top is "a cup of tea with milk" 



The colour resembles the inside of a No32 scope can I restored a few years back, although the BS colour was a mile off when the paint shop did a sample, but cant remember if it was just a Khaki Green BS number, 

Anyone have have any number for KG3 ?


Edited by bigduke6
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Stand back there and form an orderly queue that man xD 

This is one of the great debates of the MV world along with what is the correct shade of early OD for US trucks and just what shade was Canadian G3 this is one that taxes me currently. 

As you have found out getting paint mixed from war time BS numbers often turns out to be not what you hope for.

  I have a similar issue with early G3 for a British truck and am also trying to match a shade for a Canadian version of G3 which if I compare remaining uncontaminated paint samples from both trucks they turn out to be significantly different canvassing other restores has produced a range of shades and tones all matched from original samples. 

Mike Starmer as you probably know is the accepted authority on paint colours and has published a number of very detailed pamphlets on the subject with colour chips.

None of this has directly answered your question I'm afraid as there is no one stop shop for this and it would be interesting to hear others views and comments with attached photos with details of the paint codes and suppliers used and level of matt bearing in mind that colour reproduction on a computer screen is not always the best reference particularly with shades of green, brown,blue :S


Edited by Pete Ashby
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23 minutes ago, Pete Ashby said:

Mike Starmer as you probably know is the accepted authority on paint colours and has published a number of very detailed pamphlets on the subject with colour chips.

I have read that Mike Starmer's paint colours because they are for scale models are therefore slightly different shades than paint for a full sized vehicle. 

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Pete is right. The debates about paint colours can get long and tedious. Unfortunately there is no BS number for KG3.

When I acquired my WD/L which had been hand painted black, I found that there was unmolested KG3 inside brake plates, headlamp, tool box, chain guards etc. I mixed paint myself and to my eye it was an exact match. Unfortunately I lost any resemblance of a formula as I just kept adding this and that till I got it right. I've mixed KG3 several times since but there is always a slight variation....which is quite acceptable.

 I long to be able to buy it "off the shelf" so to speak from my usual supplier. So a friend presented them with a swatch to copy. Which they did and he's sprayed his Norton Big 4 outfit with it and is more than happy. However, to my mind it was just a tad too light, so when I bought some, I added 1/8th ltr Service Brown (BS499) to each ltr and I'm happy with this. The paint I use is Single Pack Polyurethane mat from 'Rainbow paints' and they have given this mix their own code, which hopefully we can use for future purchases.

Pix are my  5SW the paint tin label and my WD/L.  Ron.    



collection 058.JPG

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i like everyone else has struggled with getting the correct shade, however bob grundy has found the exact colour and it can be purchased from hmg paints in manchester, infact i'm picking up a 5l tin tomorrow and will let you know the code

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Thanks all for above, be interesting to see your Colour from HMG, although very hard to judge on a Computer would be handy as I'm in Liverpool.

Being colour blind isn't easy when looking at colours, although its Green and red what cause me issues. (I can see the colours fine, but red writing on a green background goes a bit fuzzy, and sometimes not visible depending on the shade) 









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