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I haven't been to Bovy since 1993 when James was one. He slept through it. They had buckets out to catch the monsoon leaking through the roof. James wants to go back. He is right. Good snaps Jack. A bit nearer than Belgium for your tents stall, I suppose.


Is it my imagination or did it say Petard mortar in the caption under the object? I'm sure I've read that somewhere...:-D

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
dont tell bovvy you put a photo of one of their tanks on a forum, they said no :nono: when I asked if I could put photos on my site!!!! :argh:


Mark :cool:

They dont like free advertising then? i remember when they didnt have a pot to pee in and were glad of the free time everyone put in.Are they getting snoty? these musuems seem to do this when they get to big for there boots.Cant say i am impressed with the layout,no doubt designed to bring in the general public,who arnt really interested,but little willy can run around screaming his head of annoying people who are interested.Maybe we need a camera licence for a fee of course,they should speak to the performing rights society they will tell them how to do it,on that subject,they still send letters,we still put them in the bin.they still phone to ask me questions,i still refuse to answer them,Ho Hum the worlds gone crazy.:-D

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Not an easy subject. I sympathise with Mr C.Weazle. Unfortunately the museum probably has to rely on the visit of casual punters more than committed visitors like us. I would be interested to know how much revenue they calculate to lose from images published/placed on the web on sites like this. They hold an archive they make some money on - good and right and proper. They must make some money from publications using snaps of their displays - good also. So I suppose they feel the need/right to secure it all. It must wrankle with official friends and long time visitors. This forum is one of several, I'm sure, which is one hundred per cent in support of the Tank Museum (among others) and I am sure that in a realistic world they would turn a blind eye to the odd snap... especially if it means we all head to Dorset to spend money there. I don't think beggars can be choosers in these economically turbulent times.



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<snipped for brevity>.Maybe we need a camera licence for a fee of course,</snipped>


You mean like the Musee des Blindes in Saumur, France?? They ask for a donation of, I think, 10 Euro's for a camera permit - a reasonable figure and you can get as close as you like without actually climbing on/in the vehicles and exhibits.

Seems a reasonable idea to me!!

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

I dont object to them stopping pics used for comercial reasons,and i think thats up to them to police it,general public ok.I dont object to the performing farts society chasing the likes of shopping centres,or do i.

Neil if you think i am going to pay entry fee and a camera licence,you must be sniffing glue.

I take my vehicle to a show Pat ware comes along snap snap next thing i know its on the front page of the imps magazine,but wait for it its been doctered and his head is on my body,now you tell me what i can do about that Snapper.Or do i all ready know the answer.

Edited by Marmite!!
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You mean like the Musee des Blindes in Saumur, France?? They ask for a donation of, I think, 10 Euro's for a camera permit - a reasonable figure and you can get as close as you like without actually climbing on/in the vehicles and exhibits.

Seems a reasonable idea to me!!




The last time i was at Saumer i gave the (very) young soldier who couldn`t understand English (i don`t speak French) 10 Francs and i climbed in/out, all over the vehicles i wanted to :)



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The last time i was at Saumer i gave the (very) young soldier who couldn`t understand English (i don`t speak French) 10 Francs and i climbed in/out, all over the vehicles i wanted to :)




Reminds me of the first time that I went to Bovington as a lad in 1967, when I can recall being able to climb inside at least a couple of the tanks and climb around all over others - I particularly remember staging to get one onto the deck of the King Tiger and trying to peer through the vision blocks. Mind you though, in these days of mass tourism, it is probably a very good thing for vehicle preservation that it is now verbotten.


I don't think that Bovington is poor value, considering the quality of the exhibits and the work that is going on there. Particulaly as one can go back as many times as one likes in a year once one has purchased a ticket - I went three times this year on mine and I even took my three year old daughter in for free the last time - she loved it.

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