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Eviction time!(No not big brother)

Great War truck

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People who will have seen my posts will know that i have had constant trouble with my neigbours. Things go missing, they have been in the garden, plants all dug up, constant noise, swearing and occasional missiles over the fence. I put up a taller and stronger fence and am currently in the process of putting anti-intruder spikes on it.


While walking my 4 year daughter to the park on Monday i saw them and mates coming back up the road on the other side shouting abuse at passing cars, and then me as well. Not being brave (stupid) enough to take on 5 of them i ignored them but fumed about it instead.


Just found out today that after my run in with them they threw stones at one of my neigbours who was having a barbecue and hit him in the face with one causing a nasty gash. Police were called and things said but not much actually done. However on the plus side they have just been served 2 Months notice to leave their house!! Great news but the worry is that i may now have a horrendous 2 Months. Cars vandalised again, more missiles and more abuse. But they are going. Oh yes they are going.


Time for a "Chuff chart". I am counting down the days.


Tim (too)

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Very pleased for you mate ! Its astounding to me that in this day and age scum like this are allowed to make normal peoples life a misery ! It makes my blood boil ! You have to feel for their future neighbours though as I'm sure their behaviour will not be changed by this experience , we seem to have to wait for something serious to happen before these feral people are dealt with and then they just seem to laugh it off sticking two fingers up at everyone else ! I have just been blessed with the birth of my son on the eleventh this month and its sad to think that however well I impress on him community values he will be exposed to these type of peoples many offspring when he has to attend school ! Sorry to rant on but I really hate this type of thing ! Good luck with the new neighbours mate ! Andy

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

ITs nothing new,we dealt with it in the past within the community.police were allmost never involved.Human right laws protect these people.thats why the police have such a problem.Best of luck with new neighbours .could be worse you could have me next door.:rofl:

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Unfortunatley the A***** are the ones that get the publicity. Regardlees of what the Mudia (and yes I know how I spelled it) like to broadcast , most kids are well behaved. Trouble is the idiots do not have it branded on the foreheads, so all get tarred. Witness the bit on Channel 5 news a few weeks ago of a bunch of **** waving knives about, one little ** looked about twelve, was making agreat show of shoving an unsheathed knife down the front of his kegs. Couldn't stop laughing, theres one that has little chance of passing on his genes. :cool2:

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Working in the classroom of a fairly traumatised teacher a couple of years back - she'd had her door kicked in by an 'upset' pupil & I was trying to repair what was left to make it temporarily secure . Having worked at that particular school for 30 odd years now & known the teacher for several of those I said to her & her colleague " You know what the problem is ? - the little sh1ts you had here eleven years ago were permitted to go away and breed - now you have a whole new generation of even bigger sh1ts" .


For a brief moment I thought I'd finally pushed my luck too far & was going to get chucked out.........then they looked at each other , grinned and said - "Yes , you're right ".


Good luck with the new neighbours Tim .

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