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Leatherman tools

Tony B

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I know everyone is familiar with them, and that they have a 25 year garuntee. My Leatherman Wave after 10 years or so of abuse was getting a bit loose. So I contacted Whitby & Co the agents, they said send it back we will get it tightned. Today arrived a pacakage from them. Dear sir, your Leatherman is the old model, please find enclosed a new model free of charge. Nice to see a place and company that stick by their word. :-D

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I know everyone is familiar with them, and that they have a 25 year garuntee. My Leatherman Wave after 10 years or so of abuse was getting a bit loose. So I contacted Whitby & Co the agents, they said send it back we will get it tightned. Today arrived a pacakage from them. Dear sir, your Leatherman is the old model, please find enclosed a new model free of charge. Nice to see a place and company that stick by their word. :-D




Great work Tony and I know the Whitby guys well - many business's could learn from them. They are also the agent for Zippo and I had a Zippo for years and dug it out the other day and sent it to them because it was worn out - they sent a brand new one. :-D

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I have just got one through work vis RS Components, to my eye it is a pile of poo we will see how long it lasts. :coffee2:


are you sure it genuine and not a clone?The term does seem to have become generic although or companies do call the 'Multi tools'. If you have the real thing and breack in the next 25 years, well you get it repaired replaced.
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I know everyone is familiar with them, and that they have a 25 year garuntee. My Leatherman Wave after 10 years or so of abuse was getting a bit loose. So I contacted Whitby & Co the agents, they said send it back we will get it tightned. Today arrived a pacakage from them. Dear sir, your Leatherman is the old model, please find enclosed a new model free of charge. Nice to see a place and company that stick by their word. :-D


I experienced exactly the same. My old model was absolutely worn out, with every component in some way broken. I sent it back to them and recieved the new model by return of post and foc. I was really impressed and would always recommend their products.


Mark - are you sure it's a genuine Leatherman? If so, you'll soon wonder how you lived without it. If it's one of the cheap copies you may well be disappointed.


I use mine all the time and wouldn't be without it.


Sales pitch over :-D

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I have the Gerber version, bought from an American PX in Dhahran just after the gulf war.

Still just as good now as it was new, but the difference is the handles dont nip your hand when the pliers close, unlike the leatherbloke!

Good to hear about the service though!

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Brought my multi tool when I was in Bosnia from the Naffi.


Looked at the Leatherman but thought it was a bit flimsy.


Opted for a Gerber instead and the thing has never let me down.


I think the Leatherman is more for light applications where as the Gerber is heavy weight.


Top tool to carry on your belt.



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I have the Gerber version, bought from an American PX in Dhahran just after the gulf war.

Still just as good now as it was new, but the difference is the handles dont nip your hand when the pliers close, unlike the leatherbloke!

Good to hear about the service though!


Ah new version has fixed that AND they have brought back the original cm and inch marks. :-) Got to be either Gerber of Leatherman, thats for sure! Wouldn't agree the Leatherman is lightweight though. I've taken shoes off horses with it, and Jack will confirm you have to be desperate, cut barbed wire, fitted trailer sockets useing only the Leatherman, and cut me toenails!
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I think the Leatherman is more for light applications where as the Gerber is heavy weight.



I've got both and I'd say it's quite the opposite. The Gerber always feels like it's about to fall apart whereas the Leatherman has a good weight and sturdy feel to it. Each to his/her own I suppose. :dunno:

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10 years ago I bought a Gerber tool.

It was the only tool which had a flatnose pliers which I found more versatile than the pointed pliers.

Cutting bicycle spokes works but damaged the cutters a little, also I broke the smallest screwdriver.


Still its the best tool I ever bought, wear it always and use it a LOT!!!

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