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Foot Soldier

abn deuce

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296 pages 16 pages of bw combat photograph's and a map. A very moving and true account of what WWII for a then 19 yr old U.S.Army combat infantryman of the the real day to day combat survival was like. He was trained in the use of mine detectors and describes being told to go clear a snow covered area in the Ardennes of mines for a 155 howitzer battery only to find himself and a six-by load of men in trouble when the GMC became immobilized in what the turned out to be the middle of a German mine field , only the fact that the mines had not been had the safety pins removed to activate them had saved them . He served from November 1944 until the Occupation of Germany at the end of the war. by Roscoe C. Blunt jr. published by SARPDON ISBN#1-885119-72-0


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