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Multi quoting !!!!!!!!!!!

R Cubed


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I am having trouble, when quoting to a reply, when within the reply I want to reply to specific parts of the quote :dunno:

does anyone know what I am on about ?



So long as you retain (Open square brackets) quote ... through to the first (Close square brackets) and the /quote in square brackets on the end, it will display correctly.


Where there are quotes within quotes, remember that the sets of delimiters pair up, outside open quotes with outside close quotes and ditto inside quotes.


When all else fails, you can strip out everything, just leaving the text to be quoted, then click on the "quote" icon (last but one BBC tag above the message window) then put your addition outside of the quote marks. This will not show who posted the original being quoted, but it will format correctly.


If you are in doubt, remember to click Preview rather than Post to verfiy you have done it correctly.

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