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Austin K2 ATV

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I seem to remember some years ago someone posting the contract details for the conversion of Austin K2 ATV into Naafi Wagons post war for Civil Defence purposes.

I thought it was Wally but he says know.  Does anyone remember this post or know another source for this information?


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It may have been me, converted to canteen vans for the reformed Auxiliary Fire Service.  second vehicle down right hand column. for some reason I didn't copy the accompanying text, but this is when they were first shown off.   TED.


AFS expri col.jpg

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18 hours ago, ted angus said:

Hi Richard, the post 1948 AFS didnt use the fordson, although the CD corp did. The reg on the vehicle in question is GGX 445  Which was originally an Austin ATV.    Regards TED.

Hi Ted,  thanks for the correction, it was the body shape that I thought was similar to the Fordsons used by CD. I recollect getting in one around 1961 which had a teleprinter or similar in it.

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