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Britain at War offer subs. up and running!

Rick W

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Yes Ive just done it myself! Its all Ok and working, just thought I would check!

Britain at war Magazine have kindly offered all members of HMVF at subscription discount. 12 copies for the price of 9 which works aout at aprroximately £25. You cant do it through their normal subscription page on their website you have to ring them up on their contact number which you will find under "Contact Us". Ring them up and ask for a subscription and tell them you are an HMVF member. They are a friendly bunch, and its a good offer not open to anyone else! :-D

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Rick is spot on and just in from Britain at War.



Hi Jack


That offer is absolutely fine - really upto you how you want to set it up. Our problem is that our website is still a little basic!


Let me know if you need any artwork/wording your end - if you put the offer on line on the site (preferrably where only members can see) and we will take the order either by post/phone/or on line - this will take a few days to configure







Great bunch of folks at Britain at War and please do support them with this offer as I think you will be impressed with the magazine as it does fill a massive hole in the market.


If you could be as kind as to quote your username when you contact them then we can cross reference to make sure that they only supply HMVF members - seeing as this is and open forum and as soon as the guys have coupon/promotional code in place then I can make it a board that only members will be able to see.





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