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raf stuff s7010 sidecars


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Hi everyone just wondering has anyone ever found out which type roundel they used on the raf bikes mainly the Norton's was it the type c1 with the yellow ring or the type d.

Mines a late raf sidecar combo from the 1944 ordered contract s7010 been on the hunt for any pics from this :) seen one possible which was epic but been hunting for any others if anyone has any tucked away really interested in the tank markings and any other markings they had on the bikes.

bit of an internal battle going on in my head at the moment ha!




Edited by Norton.rider
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I have just read Wheels of the RAF by Bruce Robertson which does cover markings, albeit not in fantastic detail, regarding motorcycles. 

 "  RAF vehicles were identified by a service-registered number prefixed RAF. The RAF roundel was adopted as a Service marking in April 1941, to be positioned on the offside of the front of RAF vehicles, where possible on the wing. Roundels were hand-painted using stencils until 1944, when a roundel transfer was introduced. Also in April 1941, a Command and Unit identification letter and number were introduced. In general, the letter was indicative of the command, and the number was the group number or a code number for the unit. This was marked on the front of vehicles, on the opposite side to the roundel, in 5" high white characters. "

Photographs in the book seem to contradict the placing of roundels/unit markings, showing them either swapped around or both on the offside!

The RAF standard MT roundel sizing was Blue 9", White 5.4" and Red 1.8"

" In 1922 instructions were issued to mark RAF on the tank, which some units had done since 1918"

See also here http://hmvf.co.uk/topic/20156-ww2-raf-bikes/


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See also https://www.google.com/search?q=ww2+raf+motor+cycles+pictures&rlz=1C1GGRV_enGB751GB751&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=G69DkAoUAfxS1M%3A%2CtgprTiBuehqGMM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTRYcJiLZXlh5gmoCM7K0DswjCOQA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiah9KBgbjoAhUEsXEKHTNtAhEQ9QEwAHoECAoQFQ

and click on pictures to get even more black and white wartime pictures.

I reckon a little bit of artistic license is allowed here as, although there were  instructions, it's all down to how they were interpreted at the time and what was available material wise

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Thanks super6 I've got the decal for the engines census number ready to go on but I've been having an internal dilemma that I'm not paying homage to the chassis' raf history. Really matters to me doing the right thing although I know that's down to interpretation tricky one for sure! 

I have seen a period picture thanks to one of our members that I could base off an I've got a little theory I'd like to try an confirm hence hunting for any other bike pics potentially from that contract starting with a 9 on the tank. This is all so exciting love researching and learning things. I guess by doing the thread if anyone else in the future wants to find stuff on this contract there will be a resource for it. 

Was interesting on Robs website that it mentions the late raf bikes retaining the 1" bars which is good as I'm fitting those to mine thanks again to a few of our other members. 

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If it helps you make a decision. The frame or chassis of a vehicle and it's number are the important part of a vehicle. You can change just about any component and DVLA will still recognize it's registration.........Change the frame and it's a whole new ball game.  To my mind, your bike is ex RAF but has been fitted with a different engine. 

My RAF Royal Enfield was like that, but a very nice Dutchman gave me the correct crankcases for my contract, so even though there was nothing really wrong with my engine, I rebuilt it to make it all RAF. 

I'll get round to telling DVLA about a change of engine number but it's not critical. Ron 


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Yep that is what I'm thinking myself Ron doing her true to being an Raf bike it's been really bugging me  my dads mentor Cliff when he was in work as an apprentice back in the day was a dam buster gunner he used to wear his tie every day to work used to call my dad son. May he rest in peace. He actually ended up working for dad in the end amazing how things go full circle an he was an amazing guy from what I heard so be cool to honour him to as well as my dads dad my Gramps who was in the ra. 

You know what this means Ron I'm doomed I'll have to get some of the Japanese stuff sold an get a second one! 

Edited by Norton.rider
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