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One for Jessie the Jeep


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Cheers! I've seen the 'other' video of that aircraft where the pilots ego exceeds his abilities, and he flies it inverted into the ground. He's well known on the US show circuit. Planes like that should be flown in a scale like manner. If you want to fly aerobatics, build an aerobatic type plane!!!!


We had a guy on the UK show scene who also had an ego which exceeded his abilities; he put his B-17 vertically into the ground trying a roll that went wrong! The amusing part of the story was that the show organisers brother was there watching. He works for a police incident unit and was there with the police van. They drove down to the crash site, lights flashing, and took the bits away in body bags!!



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Things are quite strict here in the UK. Any model over 20Kg ( Like my B-17 ), must be inspected during construction and then the model and pilot must make several proving flights before an examiner before the plane can be flown in private or public.


See the Large Model Association for further giant models in the UK.




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