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Story of Tiger 131

Rick W

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Ok so its not a book, its a DVD, but as we havent a section for DVD's, and as everyones toddled off to Beltring I thought I may as well review it briefly!

width=175 height=178http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/tiger_dvd.jpg[/img]


As the title suggests its the story of how Tiger 131 ended up at Bovington Museum, and its road to get running again. A well produced DVD, much better than some of those "doubtful" dvd's you can get hold of, of which there seems to be hundreds of, made by someone in their back bedroom with a commentator that sounds like he is on his last mogadon of the night.

Tiger 131 has surely got to be one of the most well known Tigers around today, especially as it is the only one in the world which runs. It has featured on the front of CMV magazine and made its maiden voyage (since rebuilding) at Tankfest. I was not among the lucky few to see it in action, but maybe next time!

width=553 height=358http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/4621_e_1_sm.jpg[/img]


The story starts with how the Tiger was found in the deserts of North Africa, and was one of the first examples of its marque being captured more or less intact. In fact the only reason the crew seem to have abandoned it was because an anti-tank shell had got lodged between the hull and the turret ring!

The main feature is about 45 minutes long with extra bonus features, and at £14 odd pounds is a good buy. Its one thing to see the "beast" close up and touch and feel the history, but it was only when I watched the dvd after that I appreciated the work and above all the history behind the men and the machine.



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was lucky enough, a while ago, now, to have been at one of Bovi's evening lectures, which are interesting, by the way. :-), and by way of a 'soundbite', we got to see the pre produced DVD being reviewed here.

I ordered my copy on the strength of that viewing, and was lucky enough to have it in my grubby mitts before they became generally available.


As you say, Rick, a good buy.....................



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During the restoration, there was a dedicated website. I searched for "Bovington Tiger" and found the site. Chapter and verse.


Last month I was invited to the Officers Mess at Bovington for the museum's open day. We were lucky enough to be able to follow by the side of the Tiger (behind barriers maybe 20 yards away) through most of its travel along the track around the display arena during a reconstruction of an ambush in the Normandy countryside south of the bocage.


Bovy were very keen to stress that we were present for the first occasion since 1945 where a Tiger had been in battle.


I'd show you pictures, but fool that I am, I took the new camera rather than the trusty old one and had problems with it.

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