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CYPRUS UN Ferret usage

robin craig

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I am assisting with a project.


It is stated that Canada used British Ferrets when first deployed to Cyprus.


Can anyone recall this happening? Does anyone have paperwork or photos to substantiate this?


If you know of a web resource please direct me there.


This is to assist in the authentic recreation of such usage with a Ferret currently in Canada, they really want to get it right.


Thanks in advance



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Hi. It would be standard procedure for the new unit to sign for what ever vehicles were there. When I went to Cyprus in 98 we signed for the L200's in use with the UN at that time. As did the Dutch who came with us. It would stand to reason that the Canadians would have done the same. Very unlikely they went to the expanse of bringing there own Ferrets. Of course I could be wrong.


There are a lot of pictures of Ferrets in Cyprus on Facebook that clearly show British reg numbers.


Are you trying to restore a Canadian or British Ferret. Or are yo making a UN replica?

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Canada had their own Ferrets, Mk 1 versions.


Canada allegedly did not buy any Mk 2 turreted versions.


I am painstakingly try to sort the myth and b/s from factual reality.


You might have noticed I have a thread running on Ferret recovery points, that vehicle is marked in Canadian use and is a turret vehicle, interestingly in the photo the vehicle following it is a Mk 1.


I love the factual history that is proven on this site and that is what makes the hobby so interesting is delving into the anomalies that prove the rule.


I well know Colin and his books and I well knew those images existed but thank you for showing them.


Here is the only picture I know of that has a vehicle marked in Canadian markings that has a turret.




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Canada had their own Ferrets, Mk 1 versions.


Canada allegedly did not buy any Mk 2 turreted versions.


I am painstakingly try to sort the myth and b/s from factual reality.


You might have noticed I have a thread running on Ferret recovery points, that vehicle is marked in Canadian use and is a turret vehicle, interestingly in the photo the vehicle following it is a Mk 1.


I love the factual history that is proven on this site and that is what makes the hobby so interesting is delving into the anomalies that prove the rule.


I well know Colin and his books and I well knew those images existed but thank you for showing them.


Here is the only picture I know of that has a vehicle marked in Canadian markings that has a turret.




I have never seen that picture Robin....Where do you think that was taken at ?

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hi Robin


have you seen this ?




not in Cyprus ,but interesting





02 CC 30 ?


Thank you for posting another Canadian Ferret.....Wish more people would post about the 1954 Canadian Ferret MK1's....Myself and all of us in fact wish to honor the crew with the markings on the Ferrets and to see old Ferrets in service.....We have to get these Canadians going...I have sent several emails out to Canadian Army Units and no response...Also are you familiar with MLU (Maple Leaf Up) check that site out....Robin suggested it to me a few months ago but it still says they are temporarily closed for new admissions...Nice browsing thru....

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I wonder was it upgraded in theatre from a MK1. I only ask as there was a picture of a ferret that was upgraded in Hong Kong in this months issue of CMV mag. The turret plate/ring was welded on. But the parts could have bean salvaged from a British ferret that was destroyed. Its pure speculation of course.

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If upgraded, did the original mk1s have the rear machine gun deflector(I can't see why they would?) and if it was an added turret are the deflector welds of the same era/ dimension, or quality as the factory? Maybe a way to tell?


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if you mean Depression Stop Rail

Ferret User Handbook 1957,page 19


sorry if this sounds **** " rivets counting"



british WS 19 + WS31 / WS 88 set aerials


i have not seen pics canucks using WS 19 Aerial Gage (antenna on the right- rear)

Ferret User Handbook 1957 , page 19


cdn ferret bar 1.jpg


7. Depression stop rail

-54 mk1 54-82550 picture with later mod. ? british bar (it does not belong to the cdn hull , only testing)

my british -59 mk1 hull is without arrowed points





Robin pics have interesting details....more "rivets counting"



no sand ladders

old cdn ? front mudguards/ fenders

right rear First Aid Box

turret mirror?


rear vehicle has cdn ? wire cutters




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