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military Vehicle reference book

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Bart Vanderveen military vehicle directory would be my first guess.



Tend to agree there,......might help to give some idea of what era vehicles you are thinking about, though; ie WWII, 50's,60's, or more modern stuff.


Get back to us, and we may be able to help, more.


All the best,



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I highly recommend Fred W Crismon's US Military Wheeled Vehicles. It covers everything from the earliest motorised days to the early '80s. As the title suggests, it deals solely with vehicles in US service. It used to be a hard-to-get book but was recently reprinted. Not cheap at £30 but lots of pictures to look at :drool:


Again, let us know where your particular interest lies. I have several shelves of books but not all are relevant to everyone.


- Mike

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You may get your hands on older copies of Jane's directories. They used to lump armour and artillery in one volume and vehicles and logistics in an other. Formats change all the time. These books are never cheap - even the old ones- and the pics are generally company handouts or, in the case of unfriendly states stuff "grabbed" at parades and all in black and white. The technical stuff is useful.


There are some odd Salamander Press books (or from other publishers) that are general guides to armour and artillery still floating about. Colour pix and potted histories included. These are the sort of "bargain" books you used to see on sale in factory outlet bookshops or in railway station book stalls. I think they can still be found.

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