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Shipping MVs from the USA?

Lauren Child


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It looks like the folks at the Jacques Littlefield Collection are starting to sort out which vehicles are going to be auctioned, and it has me thinking. How difficult and/or expensive is shipping a vehicle from the US?


Plenty of folks have done it Lauren and are doing it so no major problem really. The answer is to have a good freight forwarder - they will save you a lot of money and a lot of stress.

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It looks like the folks at the Jacques Littlefield Collection are starting to sort out which vehicles are going to be auctioned, and it has me thinking. How difficult and/or expensive is shipping a vehicle from the US?


Its not that hard, or expensive, much like shipping a MV from the UK to here...but...and its a big "but"


Export permits.


First, if you are even thinking about this, see if the vehicle is even exportable, there are number of vehicles that are under ITAR and US TACOM rules that the State Dept. will not allow for export. This can be further back than you realize (we were looking at an M-16, with the Quad .50 mount, to Canada, from the US. Vehicle ok, but the Quad mount, no way.)




Export Permits


You will have to have a company with all the approvals from the US State Dept to export armor. Its expenisve to have and maintain, and very few companies will deal with a private actor (musums and institutiuons get a better ride, but not by much). Check around, do homework.




UK Import. Your Government will require similar import paper work, such as End User Agreements etc. Best to work with a company in the UK that imports / exports already. Trying this on your own, well...could be bad


...by bad, I mean having the vehicle taken by one of the Governments involved, and not getting it back (it will be scrapped) and as well, possible fines and jail time if you try to "slide" something through.


We do this alot, (import) and we depend on the suppliers in the UK and the US to keep us legal and happy. I cannot say enough good things about the professionalism and solid work we have had done by our UK suppliers, and I would strongly suggest talking with them before undertaking an import.


Exports from the US can be done, but its paper intensive, and accuracy counts!



Good luck, all these are going to need good homes






CWC Canada

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