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Different paints on Austin Champ



Hi all

I have started stripping all the parts I have removed from the chassis and the body of my Champ and I was wondering whether all the parts are painted in dark green or some are different colours.


From what I can tell, the radiator for example is in black. Most of the photos show all the accessories in dark green, except for the dashboard instruments which are also black. It appears the horn cover is also black. What colour is the radiator grill? I have see it green and other times black. I also noticed the starter motor was black, although the front part is BS 101, so I am not sure.

I know from my new chassis that the battery wells are painted white, although was that he case while the vehicle was also in service or was it only when it was delivered?

i have looked through all the past numbers of my Champ magazine yet could not find an exhaustive outline of what is painted in what colour.

Any help would be appreciated.

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IN the years that l worked on champs generally the radiators were green l saw more green than black as to the battery boxes l think that l never saw one painted white in service due to the fact we were told to paint them with black rubberised paint a awfull job but when repainting them often you would see white showing through were they had been scuffed the petrol cap was painted signal red not always but mostly the trailer socket cap yellow

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As far as B Series engines & their ancillaries go, in the earliest handbooks & parts books very often the engine & fittings are all in black. With rebuilds & replacement bits it all seems to morph into Sky Blue.


My Champ (1624) had undergone a base overhaul, hence the new colour?

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As I mentioned previously, the process of stripping the parts and repainting them has begun. For the larger parts such as fenders, body panels etc I am getting them soda blasted. The smaller items, such as windscreen hinges, rifle mounts etc I am soaking in a caustic soda bath for about 24 hrs then rinsing them thoroughly under running water. I have been told, though that the only way to neutralise the caustic soda is to soak the part in brown vinegar for about 24hrs. Can anyone confirm this? Is there any other product which will do the same job?

I am then going to spray the part with etch primer then use a 2 pak paint mix for the final paint.




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