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parking lights of Beford MK, position lights, parking lights on HGVs


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Last night a policeman ticketed my MK (in front of my house) for having being parked without marker lights (offence code 375).


I've looked at all the liht configurations and I cannot find anything that could be 'marker lights' or parking lights.


I'm assuming that the side lights arent parking lights as these would, I guess, kill the batter over night??


I'm hoping the vehicle isn't fitted with parking lights and therefore I can't be legally required to use them???



Has anyone experienced this problem?


The fixed penalty is only £30 but the long term problem is that I cannot park on the road anywhere again other wise the police can issue a ticket every night!


Any help greatly appreciated...



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Paddy was the issue perhaps that it was facing the "wrong" way, in that your rear reflectors could not be visible to an oncoming driver on that side & therefore an additional indicator was required to indicate the vehicle position?

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Last night a policeman ticketed my MK (in front of my house) for having being parked without marker lights (offence code 375).





Hi Paddy,

He could have meant side marker lamps, see the bottom of this linked page;



If you have a MK (that is the non-turbo, multifuel one) then I think it predates the regulations according to the above link. It depends on when you recorded date of build is on the Bedford registration document. But I suppose it could be contested. They are wired in with the side lights on later vehicles.


A lot of good information on the above website, see here for parking at night;


Edited by Richard Farrant
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thanks for the links and info... it is all about HGVs in the hours of darkness. Found out that the same happened to a friend with his 7.5t. But since then despite parking in the same place with no lights he has not received any further fixed penalty. Looks like if this particular police officer happens to pass a vehicle commiting this hideous offence then he/she issues tickets, but hopefully will not return every night.


Anyway, I was going to then move the MK to it's off road storage and the cold start blew the starting motor. So I've got bigger fish to fry now.... thanks cops.

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