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Arnhem before and after WWII


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This is a collection of photos of Arnhem before and after WWII. I'll try to take pictures of how the area looks now.


After the battle at the Bridge was over the Germans evacuated the entire town and some of the surrounding towns too. Arnhem was then systematicly and metodicaly plundered. Even firemen were not allowed into town so fires could burn freely and destroy even more of the town. Add to this a number of allied bombing runs, 9 months of shelling by the Allies (more shells were fired on Arnhem then were fired during the El Alamein campain) and the second battle for Arnhem in april 1945.


The center of Arnhem in it's more glorious days:

width=640 height=421http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/arnhem1940.jpg[/img]


The area at the bridge, this was destroyed in the battle at the Bridge. The area was bombed on october 1st causing further damage.

width=640 height=482http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/eusebiusbinnensingel1940.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=475http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/eusebiusbinnensingel1945.jpg[/img]


The Diaconesse hospital:

width=640 height=217http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/diaconessezh1940.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=289http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/diaconessezh1945.jpg[/img]


The Market square and Eusebius church:

width=481 height=640http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/markt1940.jpg[/img]


width=479 height=640http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/markt1945.jpg[/img]


Palace of Justice, part of one of the columns you see on the right is now a memorial at the foot of the bridge

width=640 height=471http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/paleisvanjustitie1945.jpg[/img]


The market area as seen from the bridge:

width=640 height=502http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/strijdgebied1945.jpg[/img]


The Rijnkade:

width=640 height=274http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/rijnkade1940.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=435http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/rijnkade1945.jpg[/img]


Taken from the bridge towards the area seen in the first Rijnkade shot.

width=640 height=484http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/rijnkade1945_2.jpg[/img]


Trenches on the Rijnkade:

width=640 height=480http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/rijnkadeloopgraaf1945.jpg[/img]


Tramstation, located close to the bridge. After the war, the tram system was disbanded in favour of trolly busses.


width=640 height=444http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/tramremise1940.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=467http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/tramremise1945.jpg[/img]


Postal headquarters, this was destroyed by the germans for no reason whatsoever....

width=640 height=436http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/velperplein1940.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=492http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/velperplein1945.jpg[/img]


The Van Limburg Stirumschool on the bridge ramp:

width=640 height=470http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/valimburgstirumschool1945.jpg[/img]


The center of the town with the Eusebius church:

width=640 height=402http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/langstraat1945.jpg[/img]


A sign remembering everbody where they are:

width=465 height=640http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/hollandremember.jpg[/img]


Cafe Royal, on the Willemsplein, set afire by the Germans for no reason:

width=640 height=464http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/caferoyal1945.jpg[/img]


Willemskazerne (barracks), these were bombed on the morning of septemer 17th. These were located close to the Cafe Royal in the center of town:

width=640 height=345http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/willemskazerne1940.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=352http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/willemskazerne1945.jpg[/img]



width=640 height=465http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/heijenoordseweg1945.jpg[/img]


Alexanderstraat, with battle damage from Market Garden:

width=640 height=462http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/alexanderstraat1945.jpg[/img]


Pictures of looting germans:


width=400 height=640http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/plunderen_1.jpg[/img]


width=391 height=640http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/plunderen_2.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=442http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/plunderen_3.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=429http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/plunderen_4.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=419http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/plunderen_5.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=470http://nieuwint.net/images/cdv/arnhem4045/plunderen_6.jpg[/img]


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