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Bovy tank museum............

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Sounds reasonable to me ;-)

Lets be honest - the odds on it being where it is, unsold, by June/July, are on the wrong side of non-existant. ;-)


So it's Stuart and JT on the MV sub-committee now, yes?



No just John.. Stuart is still spokesman for the MV Owners, the MV sub com.. is a new thing, JT & two com. members.. it's to iron out a few issues some of the Com. have with the MV's.. Stuart wasn't there last night so JT got the short straw, anything you need bringing up let JT know..


Sorry for highjacking this thread.. :oops:

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There were 2 saracen ambulances round the back at Bovy and I hope that is a photo of the one that is still there because the hub reduction gears are clearly duff.

Why do I want it to be the one that is still there? Because I have the one that isn't there any more! Its not in bad nick, good runner but I never have any time to fix it up. It still has its strecher in the back!

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John that was 1994, I assumed it was just the one that got moved around. Whether it is still there I don't know, but there was a similar Saracen ambulance at the Ambulance Museum in Tavistock about 10-15 years ago. Whether the ambulance or even the museum is still there I don't know. But I have a photo of one round the back & I think at the time Neville said it had been on loan but there were major transmission problems that the guy couldn't sort so it came back. I hope that isn't yours!

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Bovy still had one saracen ambulance round the back about 6 weeks ago. It was going to be sold about 3 years ago but the deal fell through because the engine was seized. Do any of your photos show the number? Mine is 98 BA 40 so I hope the one with the duff hubs is not mine!.

You mention 'Nev'. Would that be the famous Major (Ret) Nevile Anderson? Now there was a character!!

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