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The learnings of restoration and cleaning / soaking parts


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In a similar vein about 20 years ago one of the fence posts in the back garden of our house had rotted and snapped. My neighbour a helpful chap came to assist. After digging the old one out, and preparing the new one for fitting, he suggests dipping it in some tar he had, to help preserve it. He produces a tin half-full of full of solid tar, and suggests I heat it up on the kitchen cooker (on a low setting). I dutifully followed his counsel, and put it on a low setting, and went back outside. His wife then appears and the three of get chatting about stuff. A while later..... I remember about the tin:argh:, I dash back into the kitchen to find a column of fumes/smoke pouring out of the tin, and a cloud of tar fumes at least 2 foot thick down from the ceiling ! :wow::blush:



I quickly turned things off and got the tin outside. Suffice to say the tar was nice and fluid.


The fumes dissipated, but there was one hell of a smell in the house which hung around for a few days ! LOL Mrs Vulture who had been out whilst this was happening was (unsurprisingly) not impressed ! (chuckle).

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am amazed this didn't get me an answer and advice. :-(:-(:-(:-( :cry::cry:

My normal mix is a splash of this one, and a splash of that one.:-D Depending on part, if the bit is fixed such a hitch. Soack a rag in the mix wrap round and put a plastic carrier bag over it then leave for a while.

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Well I didn't get to add the parafin/ kerosene in the end, just left soaking in diesel for a week.


After some liberal taps around the mantle with a hammer the towing jaw seperated company and isn't to badly pitted or corroded internally. A lot of gunge did ouse out though so suspect held tight with crud and light rust.


Didn't need to boil in a bucket, but the next stubborn item....Who knows......


Mind you some of the PIG parts might need a soak in a dustbin not a bucket due to size and all that!


I guess the washing off of diesel and the like before painting etc is another GUNK or similar treatment......


Mind you sugar soap is quite effective before painting items as a preparation and degreaser.......


I have some pint brush cleaner that Clive mentioned so will try that on the engine of the lightweight first. Its says harmfull on bottle, but water rinseable, so suspect fine once diluted and att that good stuff.



Edited by Rover8FFR
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