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I've been spending again! My '43 GPW

Jessie The Jeep

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July 30th

The postman brought the new engine oil around lunchtime on the 30th. After he's been, I went out to the garage to fit the oil filter can, change the oil filter and change the engine oil. The battery was then refitted and I was then ready for an engine start.


A video of that can be seen below, along with a few pictures of the repair. After the first run, I had a slight weeping of coolant around the centre stud, as this was the one with the larger hole through the cylinder head. I dipped some cotton string in some Wellseal gasket sealant and wound it around the stud, poking it down between the stud and cylinder head hole. After several turns around the stud, I added a thick aluminium washer on top, then fitted the nut again. A second run later in the day showed the leak seemed to have been stopped. 

I plan another run on the drive tomorrow, followed by a cool down and re-torque, then will probably go for a short drive tomorrow evening.

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Ford GPW Test Drive - July 31st

For the first time since D-Day 2023, the Ford was back out on the road. This was a short test drive following the work on repairing the cylinder block and a new head gasket. It was a late evening drive and while still daylight, the sun was getting low on the horizon.


Things were looking ok on the trip, but when I got home, I noticed some coolant weeping around stud number 4. So still a little more tinkering to do, but it was nice to have "Hope" back on the road after so long.


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Ford GPW Second Test Drive - August 2nd

Two days after the first short drive and after torquing down the head again, I took the Ford out for a slightly longer, but still local drive.


The weeping stud seemed to have sealed itself, so now I just need to do a few more local drives to build up confidence in the head repair, before going on any longer drives.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ford GPW Third Test Drive - August 21st

I took the Ford out for another test drive on the 21st. I was hoping to take it to the Ryhope Pumping Station show over the bank holiday, so wanted to put a bit more time on the cylinder head gasket before travelling further from home. I dropped my daughter off to meet some friends and carried on the the nearby petrol station for fuel. I took a longer route home, clocking up 10 miles, with no signs of any coolant leaks. 



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Ryhope Pumping Station, North East Club Rally - August 26th

After all the recent tinkering with the Ford GPW and after a year of being off the road, I wanted to take Hope to at least one show this year. I'd made four local trips since I fixed the engine block and put a new head gasket on, so I'd been building my confidence for a longer trip out. With several shows moved to earlier in the year, the August Bank Holiday saw what was probably my last show of 2024, at Ryhope Pumping Station.



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It was the annual North East Military Vehicle Club Rally and at only ten miles away, wasn't too far to take the Ford. While the event was held on Sunday and Monday, I only attended on Monday due to a poor weather forecast on Sunday.


Vehicle numbers were well down on previous years, but there were loads of public in attendance, with the café selling out both days.


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The pumping station was built in 1868 and was in operation until 1967. It is a grand example of Victorian Architecture and a Grade II listed building and an Ancient Scheduled Monument.


The beam engine inside no longer pumps water, but is kept in working order and demonstrated on public open days.



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Surprisingly, there were only four Jeeps, a few Land Rovers and a mix of wartime and post war vehicles made up the rest.


It's quite a laid back show and while it is usually on until 4pm, those with a longer drive started packing up mid afternoon. The public started to drift away around 3:15pm and I hung around until about 3:45 before heading home.


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