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panther tank at w p

c101 comando


can you tell me the panther tank at this years show ............ was it real or not i think it was the genuine thing but two of my mates thought it was a good movie prop ?


plus anyone know its history .......... if as think its real ?

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The Cadmans do own a Panther Aufs A

"Panther Ausf. A – Rex & Rod Cadman Collection (UK)The hull and turret were fabricated by the Hermann Goring Steel Works in Linz, Austria, but the final assembler is unknown due to the

lost of its original chassis number. The original German chassis number was obliterated when it was given a new AMX chassis


number, following its post-war refurbishment by the AMX factory. This tank most probably served with the 501-503 rd RCC, then it went to the Saumur museum and finally ended in the Cadman collection (Axis History forum)"



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The muzzle brake that was stolen in a previous year was only on loan to the Panther I understand.


There were two 75mm German muzzle brakes this year, the other was on the same stall as last year and though he was asking less than £900, it was still too much (presumably).

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